
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Our Final Days | The Final Cards! | The Last Hints!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 01:37:15 PM

Our Final Days!

We are in the final days now. We end Thursday at 8pm MST, and we have a lot of wandering nonsense happening before then. I just want to take a moment to say thank you again. This was both a smaller and bigger project than I expected! With 20,000 people on the alleyman's, I wasn't sure if we should expect 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000! But as of today we still haven't broken 4,000! 

And yet, we are so incredibly funded. 2nd most funded Oracle project on Kickstarter ever! One way or another, we always show up and show out. Thank you.

Final Cards

New Cards for All Three Decks!

The Star (duplicate) – From Terra Arcanae - The Earth Tarot by Taylor Bryn

Queen of Wands (duplicate) – From The Mystic Soul Tarot by Christina, owner of Moon and Cactus

Punch a Cop – From Crime Spree - the board game by Kaleb Wentzel-Fisher

Visualization – From Growing Oracle Deck by Omyini - Marisabel Nespoli

If you're looking closely, you might notice there are 4 cards above and not 3. I know, really hard to notice, but it's true. That rounds out our 3rd extra card for each deck, but the tarot also gnabbed a 4th bonus card. Did you know that platypus is my favorite animal? I couldn't skip that Star, I'm so excited to own it!

And in getting another Oracle of Play card, somehow I came across Crime Spree, and thought it would be a great entry to emulate the play style of people playing Grand Theft Auto. That Kaleb picked the Punch a Cop card? Well it fits the GTA game more than I realized haha! Thanks to everyone for taking part, we are now up to 207 artists on the project, and artists are working in the background to wrap up the Astrology booster with new pieces and more! Needless to say, there will be plenty to share and reveal even after the campaign finishes funding. Like did you know that Ezra, who did the deck boxes shared in last update, is doing the new guidebook covers as well? Keys, tarot cloths, coins-- so much more to show!

The Last Hints

Now, last time's hints carry through tomorrow. So that means we have:

The 13th. The 14th. The 15th (until 8pm, at least.)

Tuesday, we will be taken care of, a couple Silver spoon in our mouths until they're gone. And-- what's this? There are still 3 Revenges left? Goodness, 449 people and 30,000$ seems so long ago. Practically from our start here. How did we keep these decks for this long-- well anyway I guess they're itching to go.

These shinies are gorgeous, so much so it would be hard to think a rat wouldn't try to snatch it. So let's Add it all to the pile. 

  • 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,17, 18, 20, 21, 24

Squeak and bone and squeak and bone and squeak, squeak, squeak.

Wednesday, we're to be gremlinized. Poets and Dice Carvers. And among it all, a whiny brat once more. Add it all to the pile.

A goblin,

a good friend to keep near!

One might never know the cheer

of a goblin so deep in revelry,

if one does not

do one's due diligence

to keep his hunger for joy quite sated.

Everything to be added! Stop counting if you haven't. First is Jimmy, then we'll take turns until all the fun is gone. 

Thursday, you knew it would come to pass, He visits himself one last time. Or several. Mostly he'll be looking to welcome in new folks, but I suppose some of his times might be of interest to you who are settled. And racing straight towards him is a wandering moth, adding her things in the pile.

First is he, then is she. Again. Then she is gone. She only adds, but he takes turns.

Before you get too twisted here, I don't like spelling things out or jumbling them up. I only care about numbers.

Alright my dear friends, talk again next week! : )

And as always, all times are MST.


your pub gob

ps I have a date tonight! Going to see the new spiderman movie and very excited. Wish me luck. :P

The Deck Boxes! | Hints! | Imperial Twing Giveaway
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 04:59:55 PM

First off, just wanted to note that I idly checked yesterday. We're in 7th place for the most funded tarot kickstarters ever, and 2nd place (!!) for the most funded oracle kickstarters ever. While it would be very fun to claim the #1 slot for oracles, I won't be chasing that dream this time. If we get it, very cool. If not, no worries! : )

The Boxes!

The boxes! Now these are not quite finished, as I will be adding a blurb to the back of the box, but there they are! Now, in each box, we will have an insert as well to hold the deck of cards and have the guidebook rest on top of the cards. I've noted it before, but this is your reminder that these boxes are larger than the Alleyman's, because the guidebook will fit inside the box with the deck!

The Alleyway Tarot Box!
The Oracle of Play Box!
The Oracle of Secrets Box!
The Boxes!

Thanks to New Titan Print for whipping these up into models for us. And in the Oracle of Play, we will have a tray inside that can slide out with the deck and book, so it will be very like a construction set box. I'm pretty excited about these!

HINTS! Or... Tells?

In order now, we have our oracles three for their final, long visits. 

Play. Secret. Alley.

10th. 11th. 12th.

Now they give up everything. Look for them everywhere, tier and add-on alike. 

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
  • 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
  • 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11
  • 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

Imperial Twing Art Print Giveaway

And from our friends with the Imperial Twing game, who have 2 cards in the Oracle of Play!

"Imperial Twing Giveaway

Sorceress of the Picturesque Flowerpot

As we count down to the official launch of Imperial Twing on Kickstarter on the 5th September, the team at Imperial Games GmbH is offering our followers some fantastic giveaways - starting with a limited edition, signed, A3 art print of our very own Sorceress!
Starting at 12pm (noon) today, you can collect entries by engaging with our social media pages and sharing the project with others:
The artwork from this card is also featured in the fabulous Alleyway Oracles tarot card project, which you can back on Kickstarter here:
Sorceress of the Picturesque Flowerpot Limited Edition Character Art Print
Limited edition (numbered 25 / 25) A3 fine art print of one of the four Imperial Twing Characters, the Sorceress of the Picturesque Flowerpot.
VALUE CHF 285.00 (EUR 294.00)
Print is numbered and personally signed by:
– The Imperial Illustrator (Marius Dihr)
– The Emperor
– The Archmage
**Free delivery worldwide included in this prize."

Thanks yall, talk again very soon,


New Cards | Box Previews!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 03:24:34 PM

New Cards for the Decks!

We have a new World being added to the Alleyway Tarot from the Emerald Tarot! I love the clean simplicity of it, while also featuring so many details and lines to keep interest. Heather Flowers joins the Oracle of Play with a tribute to her iconic game which led to sequels and TTRPGs, Extreme Meatpunks Forever! A game where you are queer and punch nazis, timely as ever! And Protective is joining the Oracle of Secrets from Therena Carlin's Empowered Goddess Oracle, which is live now! A lovely photography deck of the feminine divine.

The World (duplicate) – From The Emerald Tarot by Ritual Divination

Extreme Meatpunks Forever – From The Official Bloodfuck Glacier "Brad Ultrabrad Experience" Tour Promotional Tarot Deck (Unsigned, worth $0.50 to collectors) by Heather Flowers

Protective – From Empowered Goddess Oracle by Therena Carlin

There are 3 more cards to share-- one from each deck-- to account for the 3 bonus cards in each deck. They are selected, just waiting on contracts and card files. So you can likely expect them sooner than later. And what's that? Oh yes, I have some of the next 3 for each deck lined up as well, for when we make it to the $625,000 goal, which I still believe is possible.

The Deck Box Previews

The deck boxes for each of the 3 decks are unique from one another.  The Alleyway Tarot comes in a magnetic flip open box that looks like an old moldering tome about werewolves, the Oracle of Play comes in a large tuckbox modeled after a vintage lego box, and the Oracle of Secrets comes in a 2-piece, old perfume box with a holographic band at its joining. Watch the video and Ill show you what some of the boxes will be like!

Ezra K., who did the visual design on the Oracle Dice guidebook, cloth, and Lords Cards came in to design these boxes, and by Friday I should have 3-d mockups of the boxes to share in their entirety! A reminder that this time around, the deck boxes will be larger and the guidebooks smaller so the deck and guide fit together in one box.

Coins and Cloth

My 4 coin designs had a hiccup, as my 4th coin design was denied by the manufacturer haha. I got too wild with it, it seems. But the arcade token and 2 of the 3 coins from the Des Moines add-on bag are moving forward with the manufacturer to get copies made. I will be sharing the Des Moines bag's coins very soon, but I suppose I will need to do something about that last coin.

The Tarot Cloth is being made to emulate a blue auto-shop rag (scaled up to 18x18"), drawn on with sharpie to create reading grid options. I'm still drafting that up, but should have it to share before we wrap the campaign! I want it to feel real, but also not so ugly that you wouldn't want to use it! It'll be the same material we used on the oracle dice reading cloth, so a nice soft velvety feel.

See you Friday with more clues for the weekend and on!


your pub gob

The Podcast Booster Unlocked! | Ophiuchus | Hints for the Future!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 05, 2023 at 02:12:16 PM

The AMA was so fun, thank you for joining me for a couple hours on Saturday over on Instagram! We are saving the questions and answers into reels and will share them on Tiktok and elsewhere! Some people requested a youtube video of the whole AMA, and we are putting that together. Will share when it's ready.

And a reminder that the Giveaway is going on over on our socials! Instagram, our Twitter, and our Facebook page. We have seen a couple scammers making fake instagrams and telling people they won to try and scam you into something. Be careful y'all-- we aren't announcing winners until the 12th.

The Podcast Booster!

The Podcast Booster Pack

First off, I have decided to unlock the Podcast Booster now! It was tied to our $625,000 goal, and while I think it's possible for us to reach it in the final 48 hours, I'd rather give people more time to grab a copy. Anyone who backed the Podcast CD Set is getting free copies of this booster, so they do not need to add it to their pledge unless they didn't get the cards in their original pledge. I'll be adding them when we get to Backerkit.

For anyone who missed the Podcast CD Set project, here are 13 Alleyman Lore related cards!

These are the same 13 cards from the Podcast CD Set, but with higher quality cardstock and new card backs! Each card relates to an episode of the first season of the podcast, and overall features Dr. Okoye, 4 (or 5) Alleymen, the in-universe me, Kaylee Sourflowers (illustrated by the actor who played her!), and more! 

I think it's safe to say that the 2nd season will also feature a CD Set and a set of cards, each related to an episode of the show, once it wraps. The next time though, we will get the cardstock right in the CD Set. So it goes.

Ophiuchus and the 7th Art Print

It was always important to me to have an Ophiuchus in the Astrology booster, largely because of the Caretaker's horoscopes on the Normal Horoscopes blog including Ophiuchus, and it being a point of contention for people. Shan Bennion, the incredible artist behind a lot of things I've done and the upcoming Confluence TTRPG in 2024, wanted to do a card. Well, I won't say no.

Ophiuchus Art Print! by Shan Bennion

Because it felt like the sort-of 4th deck of the project, I wanted one of the cards from the one original booster on this project as an art print in the art print set! So we are upgrading the 6-piece Art Print set to the 7-piece Art Print set! We used old Normal Horoscopes posts from tumblr and grabbed Ophiuchus lines to inspire this piece!

The Oracle's Trove

And with those two things out of the way, all the extra items I was expecting to be available are now available. So, it's time for the final Pledge Tier to rule them all.

The Oracle's Trove Pledge Tier

This is a slight discount for all the standard add-ons. Note that you'll still need to add on the Alleyman Statue or Wooden Box-- or indeed the Alleyman's Tarot/Oracle Dice-- if you want them. The 'Special' add-ons are generally not included in pledge tiers. It's $9 off the core items and add-ons (plus the $20 discount of the Oracles Three pledge tier), but more than anything it's meant to just be easier for people coming along on the project to grab most things in a single-go. 

Hints for the Future

I appreciate all the people playing along with the clues. I've also seen a few people disappointed about it, because it's only available to the few who figure it out and are on at the right time. This is just a fun game my friends-- you aren't missing out by not playing if you already got what you wanted in your pledge. I appreciate y'all!

Now, Saturday's update had a poem clue that covered Sunday, Today, and Tomorrow. So I'd like to do this again, and give you all a clue for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! Remember if you figure out the time, it's Mountain Standard Time. 

Our first visitor will be the Caretaker, gilded and gleaming in gold, bearing the last decks they carry in their bony hands. I've invited them for lunch, and expect them to not be late. These cards have not been available in some time, and should be a treat for those seeking them.

Our second visitors come in a chain, one after another. The Rat chased by the Brat and the Moth, hour by hour, from half past noon. I hear they each bear the decks four among them, the first bearing the first, the second the second, the third the third and fourth. They give them cheaply, but are few in number.

Our third visitor watches the chasing trio with confusion, as he is what the brat and the moth are truly after. He returns as he did the first time on this campaign already, but in the pm rather than the am, with many open slots and quite a reduction in price. 

Alright, that's all for now my friends. Talk again Wednesday where I'll be sharing some more fun!


your pub gob

AMA | Giveaway | Wandering Hints | Live Campaigns!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jun 03, 2023 at 04:43:34 PM


Thanks to a quality of life update, we now have a $1 add-on access tier! Anyone who wanted to get on here just to grab an add-on bag or the like can now do so without having to wait until the Backerkit!

The Instagram AMA!

At 5PST/6MST/7CST/8EST, I'll be reading your questions on our Instagram Story, and responding with videos! I've never done this before but I have people showing me how to do it haha. Please come on over to our Instagram and say hi and ask some questions!

The Giveaway!

The Alleyman's Giveaway!

Right now on our Instagram, our Twitter, and our Facebook page, we are hosting a giveaway! We will be revealing winners near the end of the project, so go get on there now to get your chance to win a real haul of items, a massive value that will be no cost for the items or shipping (local taxes or fees may apply).

So if you or a loved one want to get all the goodies but can't afford it, give this a try! We're giving away 3 sets on each of the 3 platforms. That, paired with the wandering pledge tiers and community copies should ensure that we get lots of copies of the new decks out into the world, even for people who couldn't otherwise afford them.

Speaking of wandering pledge tiers...

Wandering Tiers

I noted that we were going to have wandering tiers every day starting from today and on. Today, the Alleyman arrived with all 3 decks for $60 total with 30 slots. Those came and went, but never fear, he will return. I think the next three days should be a fair share. How many of you recall scanning poems in school? It might help you here...

The first of our new visitors is a tricksy lot, 

as many slots as meter allowed to place above.

Yet fresh with imagination abound,

she approaches in the night!

The next is quieter, still--

and she comes this time new

when skies dim, not yet blue

her coffee black, deck too.

And on the next, a queer small friend,

come round this time now, in the night--

Bearing small many colored bones

in a bag besides, still brand new

and cheaper than one might expect!

And in that same day, hours before,

comes the oracle of alleys, we

all so adore. This time, she bears four.

Live Campaigns from Project Contributors!

The Tales and Oracle of Eleven

The Tales and Oracle of Eleven is an anthology and oracle deck created by AmbiSun, creator of cards in our Oracle of Secrets AND our Astrology booster, and Sha Roose. Sha is in charge of researching and writing the stories for Tales of Eleven, a 44-page anthology filled with South East Asian mythology, as well as organizing interviews with our 11 wonderful guest artists. Ambi Sun’s will be in charge of creating all 44 illustrations and fulfilling all other graphic needs, along with running the Kickstarter campaign, manufacturing and fulfilment of the book and deck.

Ambi Sun is a Malaysian-born Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Her illustration style is intricate and often features florals and stars. Merging her fascination with symbolism and love of animals and art, she created the Oriens Animal Tarot deck and A Little Rain Botanical Oracle. Tales and Oracle of Eleven would be her third self-published project.

Sha Roose is a creative PWD living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Her primary field is Interior Design and Architecture, a labour of love that involves a lot of creation of narratives within the built environment to create habitable space. She enjoys the art of storytelling and has a deep love for her culture which is seen in the labour of life that is the Tales and Oracle of Eleven.

Tome of Mystical Tattoos 2 for DnD 5e!

Our dear friend Natwuns who supplied us with our Hermit in the Alleyway Tarot has a Tome of Mystical Tattoos sequel book with rules for your favorite roleplaying games! I've always loved the idea of magical tattoos in games and fantasy settings, and clearly so do they! They have just 6 days left, so please go give them a look if you play TTRPGs at home!

Frameamajigs shares lovely card display frames for your favorite trading cards!

And Hit Point Press, who supplied our Oracle of Play with both the Jester and Young White Dragon cards has a sister company who is producing really neat card frames that you can store your favorite (or expensive!) hobby cards in! There's no tarot sized frame here, but I imagine many of you also collect other kinds of cards!

I like that it both protects them and preserves them in a fun way to put on the wall. As a person who has played Magic the Gathering for many years, it will be lovely to have some of my favorite cards in my office, since I no longer play much these days.

The Emerald Tarot

The Emerald Tarot by Ritual Divination — Kickstarter

And while I have not yet shared their card, the Emerald Tarot is also a participant in this project, and they have just 15 hours left to make their goal! Can we help bump them to completion? Please take a look if you can, any amount helps get them closer!

Alright, that's all for now! See you in .... Oh boy, very very soon over on Instagram!


your pub gob