
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hello Alleyway Backers! September Update
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 09:40:52 AM

Hello lovelies!

We are about a month from the last update (maybe a month exactly?). No video update this time, as I'm sitting in a hotel lobby and that might be a little rude to do. Not sure what the etiquette is there.

First thing's first, an update on where we are:

The Guidebooks

The Alleyway Tarot's card entries have been given to the artists to check over. The Oracle of Secrets is about to go out to them today to check over as I finish the last few card entries here at the hotel. The Oracle of Play will be another week or so to get finished and sent out to them to check. I've saved it for last because I get to be more prose-y with the entries in that book, telling small stories as part of sharing the card's meanings, and I'm ready to be a bit looser in that way. There will still be a short-form meaning entry at the top of each page, so don't worry about the full page being a bit more open.

This doesn't mean the books are done yet though, I still have some forwards to write and some post-card-entries elements to include, but they are close. The hardest lift was the card entries, and those will be done here in the next week as I get the Oracle of Play to artists, so that's worth a celebration! I know I certainly am, it was the part I was struggling with the most.

I am sitting with an artist today to discuss the tarot cloth and probably get stuff drawn up on the fly for sketches, so the finalizing can happen hopefully also this weekend for that design. 

And that's it! I should still have most of the things finished before the 3rd of October, but there will undoubtedly be some overlap into the launch of the new project. So it goes!

With that in mind, I would be remiss to not mention Take Me to the Dark, launching on the 3rd. But first, I'm much more excited to share a Kickstarter from a project tied to this one itself!

The Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things

Hit Point Press is launching, on October 3rd at the same time as Take Me to the Dark, their Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things! Illustrated by the Eisner award-nominated artist Yoshi Yoshitani, the deck features 46 foil cards in full color and monochrome variants, as well as an oracle guidebook with new effects for 5e games, and the Jester card included in the Oracle of Play is from this deck. I was sent some sample cards and I wish I'd brought them along to include photos or gifs, they are STUNNING and beautifully foiled.

Every card features shining foil accents, and the accompanying booklet guides the user through oracle divination as well as using the deck in 5e.

A spread of the beautiful cards
And our Jester, in all its super foiled gorgeousness!

Hit Point Press has been very good to our project. They gave us the Jester AND a precious White Dragon card for the Oracle of Play, as well as a Judgment in the boosters of the previous project from their animated tarot, AND their in-house 3d artist did the Alleyman miniature design that is also being used for the Alleyman statue, AND they are sharing some booth space with Pub Gob at PaxUnplugged at the end of the year. So when they asked if I could share, it was a no brainer. 

I know it had taken them some time to get the Animated Tarot out there, but I just got a copy and it is truly incredible. I gasped at some of the animations on the cards. They were so alive, and having seen the wild foiling on this new deck, I think it's so worth looking at. 

You can signup to be notified of their launch here!

Take Me to the Dark

And of course, on October 3rd at the same time, Take Me to the Dark is launching here on Kickstarter, as part of Witchstarter. 

Take Me to the Dark
With a card-based roleplaying system, you'll be relying on cards in new ways for your gaming. They may determine what actions you can take, help create a new scenario, or act in the place of dice rolls, giving your actions tangible and visual weight.
Roleplaying with Cards
Time Travel Shenanigans. In Zoetrope: Death Didn't Take, you play as rent-a-cop time patrol agents. You have a limited supply of accepted actions, gear, and weapons to get your mission done without ruining the timeline. Make a mistake? Rewind and try again till you get it right.
Urban fantasy and luck. In Secret Halls, you're a mortal with magic given to you by Lady Luck herself, conjuring poker cards to your hand, looking for the right combinations to cast your spells 1993 Chicago in neon light and leather, the city night is dangerous, but so are you.
Secret Halls
Dead and Forgotten. In What We Possess, take ownership over the scene as the living and the dead reach across the veil and connect. Why are your ghosts still here? And can you complete your final actions before you're taken by the whispers beyond the walls...?
What We Possess

And with that, I'm back to finishing the entries in the Oracle of Secrets for this morning! I won't be dropping another update when we launch the new project, but I will send out a Newsletter for those who want to stay up to date on new projects. Trying to stop using updates on campaigns as a method of letting people know about those things, and focus that more on the newsletters. A win-win for people who dont want to see that in updates so often and for those who want to follow all my projects to have a space to do so.

Thanks everybody, talk again in October,


your Publishing Goblin

August Update | The Final Cards | Take Me to the Dark
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 05:50:18 PM

As a fun side note, my cat, Mr. Tom Bombadil, got three teeth out (for $2000+) and is on pain meds, having a great time. Wooo, kitty. Okay, actual update time.

All the Final Cards

I'll be honest, I have no idea which of the extra cards I grabbed over time people are aware of or not. So let's take a look at all of the extras that were added to the decks over the campaign! 6 a piece! But first... the King of Ghosts is here.

The King of Ghosts

As you may recall, the King of Oars from the Alleyway Tarot had to be pulled due to some ownership of rights uncertainty between the artist and deck creator. Enoch, who did the Bag of Blades for the Oracle of Secrets, stepped up for us and delivered a brand new King of Ghosts!

Find more from Enoch at!

And now, if it's not in the main deck spread image on the Kickstarter page, it's here! The 6 bonus cards added to each deck!

The Six New Cards for the Alleyway Tarot

The High Priestess (duplicate) – From The Deck of Celestials Tarot 2nd edition by Machaila Jensen

Death (Mushroom) – From The Mushroom Tarot by Chris Adams

The Star (duplicate) – From Terra Arcanae - The Earth Tarot by Taylor Bryn

The World (duplicate) – From The Emerald Tarot by Ritual Divination

Queen of Wands (duplicate) – From The Mystic Soul Tarot by Christina, owner of Moon and Cactus

The Chariot (duplicate) – From The Lost Forest Tarot by Chelsea Santamaria

The Six New Cards for the Oracle of Play

Alice is Missing – From the game of the same name by Hunters Entertainment

Kids on Bikes – From the game of the same name by Hunters Entertainment

Extreme Meatpunks Forever – From The Official Bloodfuck Glacier "Brad Ultrabrad Experience" Tour Promotional Tarot Deck (Unsigned, worth $0.50 to collectors) by Heather Flowers

Triangle Agency – From the game of the same name by Haunted Table Games

The Vow – From The Arcana Prophetia by The Aerie Games + Nayth

Punch a Cop – From Crime Spree - the board game by Kaleb Wentzel-Fisher

The Six New Cards for the Oracle of Secrets

 The Gambler – From The Tarot of Sorts by Jameson Alea (card front), Katy Ketter-Franklin (card back)

Protective – From Empowered Goddess Oracle by Therena Carlin

Visualization – From Growing Oracle Deck by Omyini - Marisabel Nespoli

and revealing our three voted cards, all subject to small changes yet...

That Which Lies Beneath –  by Churieq

That Which is Buried –  by Alexei Vella

That Which Lies Beneath –  by Marcelo A. Orsi Blanco

The Guidebooks

These are killing me! Definitely the part that will, if anything, delay the project overall. I sit down to write and 5 minutes later I'm scrolling on some other tab. Just too ADHD to stay on task. (In writing this update I walked away or did something else a total of 8 times.) But it is happening, and it is getting done. I'll be bringing in editors I have on other projects to help me check them over as I go, as I can't do all the parts of making these books myself this time, or it'll never be done. 

I may even pull in my layout/graphic designer from another project to give me some help on the visual on the pages to speed that along as well. Anything I can do to stop this being the final hangup, and we will be good to go. I'll update in September with that progress, hopefully when they're done and heading to the printer.

But the covers for the guidebooks... that's different. Ezra delivered!

The Guidebook Covers

They are so fun, they are all giving off unique aesthetics and I love it. We've got vintage catalogue, we've got a game book, we've got a fashion magazine. They're so fun, and give a lot of love to the whole thing.

I've got the coins all designed but want to get copies made in hand I can show off, as the flat digital designs kind of suck to look at for coins every time I make them. I'm handing off the tarot cloth design finally to someone else because I keep doubting the thing I'm going for, or my ability to make it real. The cloth will be done long before the guidebooks at this rate even if I held off another couple weeks.

Then we'll be in the clear, and I'll begin getting the podcast moving on a non-deadline basis, which is my favorite kind of deadline.

A pink neon sign of a set of lips with blue neon text saying Take Me to the Dark beside a purple neon sign of the Publishing Goblin Games logo, featuring a goblin head, dice, playing cards, and the text Pub Gob Games
Take Me to the Dark | Publishing Goblin Games

Take Me to the Dark (and on...)

In October, to take part in Witchstarter here on Kickstarter, I'm going to be launching Take Me to the Dark: 3 Games of the Strange. I'll be overlapping Games and non-Games projects from here on out. I'll be partnering with Magicraft and SFC to manufacture and fulfill my games, while New Titan will be handling manufacturing and fulfillment on my non-games projects, like the Alleyway Oracles, so there will never be struggles getting one done because of the other. 

Take Me to the Dark will feature the 2nd edition of ZOETROPE, my time travel roleplaying game that runs on cards and is set to be played with zero preparation from anyone; What We Possess, a card-based ghostly story telling game where players work together to tell the stories of the living and the dead in a finite space before the ghosts lose their energy and fade away forever; and Secret Halls, a game set in Chicago 1993 with players taking on the role of mages trying to keep the peace among mythological beings and the unaware mortals. Secret Halls is made for one-shots but can be run as a longer form campaign game, and is likewise card-run, using a unique playing card deck.

Secret Halls also happens to be the game-setting of the same Earth that the Alleyman myth lives in. Jimmy Talon from the 2nd season pilot of the Alleyway Podcast is one-such mage, and the Moth Children of my old project, or Alexcia, are also going to be in there! I hope to see some of you there, but I'll be reaching wide and far to start gathering a bigger games audience, something Publishing Goblin is missing. But no worries, this won't delay future divination products-- the Alleyway Oracles or otherwise. Once the Oracles are finished and fulfilled, we'll be looking at the Normal Tarot 3rd edition, and a reprint of the 1st and 2nd editions, in Spring 2024.

Take Me to the Dark: 3 Games of the Strange by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter

Also I guess you get to see the new Pub Gob Games logo too! : )

Talk again end of September,


your Pub Gob

Some Quieter Updates | A Card's Removal | Gen Con!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 03:56:08 PM

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to drop some quieter updates about things. But first...

A Card's Removal

I just about had every card gathered and then we lost one. Unfortunately there is some confusion about whether the artist or the designer of the King of Oars had rights to license that card. I think in some time we could have come to an agreement and got things squared away, as both parties were interested in taking part in this project, but at this time we've all agreed to just pull the card from the project instead to make things easier for everyone.

It's removed from the credits list on my website and I'm seeing if Kickstarter can adjust the image I have on the campaign page to take it off as well, as I can't edit the campaign page once the campaign ended. That means I am going to find something to fill its spot before we go to print, but it's the only card in that boat. Everything else is gathered! So if you have thoughts on a new King of the 5th suit, let me know!

Jen and Carol have both been patient and understanding of the decision to remove the card, and we wish them well in the future, and perhaps to see them again sometime soon in a future project. 

Downloads Page

All files that I have put out for general use have a home now on my website! Here on this Downloads Page you can find the Alleyman's Tarot guidebook, the Oracle Dice Guidebook, playtest versions of ZOETROPE and New Avernus that you can play for free on Table Top Simulator (if you have the game on Steam), and more. I will be adding other things over time, such as old books of poetry. Let me know if there are other things you would like to see on here! Obviously the guidebooks for these three decks will be there when they are done as well.


In the same vein, I have put up a Newsletter signup page on my website here! With the excruciatingly slow death of the website formerly known as Twitter, I find I'm losing access to people I adore, and who like to hear from me about new projects. So on this Newsletter, I will let people know when new items go for sale online, when new projects are forthcoming, and when they launch. You can expect about 1 email a month, perhaps slower if there's no news, or 2-3 emails in a month if some events end up overlapping.

Hope to see some of you on there! : )

ZOETROPE: Death Didn't Take

And in keeping to my guns on my projects, I have a game project launching on Backerkit in October. I don't mind overlapping projects if they are in different categories, but it feels bad to overlap projects in fulfillment with new launching projects when they are really targeting the same audiences. I'd rather you guys get your Alleyway Oracles in hand before I launch the Normal Tarot 3rd edition next year. But ZOETROPE is a game, and I'm due for one of those! 

ZOETROPE is a card-based roleplaying game focused on being time patrol agents, solving (or causing) time anomalies. The game is made primarily for one-shots, and its pick up and play, so you can sit down on a night when someone couldn't make it to your normal RPG and be in the game in minutes. No real prep required not even on the part of the Story Leader! This is a 2nd edition of an older game that is now several years old, and that was only available as print on demand for $80+ for the core game, and 130+ for the expansions and core game together.

I'm excited to say, I'll be able to offer the new edition with all new art and templating from Rickie Lee Benedetto in a box set with tokens and new shapes of cards for just $25. This is my favorite game I've ever made or had a hand in making, and I am overjoyed to be able to offer it anew in this way, and at such an affordable price.

So if that sounds up your alley, you can signup to be notified of its launch here.

Gen Con

And finally, I'm going to Gen Con next week!

Gen Con is the largest board, card and tabletop games convention in North America. I go there to run games, talk to other designers and publishers, and generally rub elbows with people more famous than me haha. I failed (again!) to get a booth, so I won't be selling wares or anything, but I will be around.

I'm running games of ZOETROPE 1st edition in preparation for the game's launch in October on Backerkit, will have a copy of New Avernus on me to play with strangers, and I'll be running two sessions of my in-progress game It's Up to Us, a roleplaying game focused on kids and teens in suburbia dealing with dark and scary mysteries. Whenever it releases, it will come out with a free PDF of Five Nights at Freddy's specifics story telling pieces, as for me it's essentially the Unofficial FNAF TTRPG. I'll do my darnedest to get it to instead just be the official one, but licensing a big IP like that is not easy.

If you're going, feel free to ping me at [email protected], and we can try to meet up! I'll have my alleyman's on me and offer cards or readings as possible. 

By end of August we should have another update with a variety of cards to share, add-on designs, and some early looks at the guidebooks. I have all the guidebook covers in hand, and those will be fun to finally share!

So talk again in about a month friends,


your pub gob

Charging in 30 Minutes on Backerkit
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 03:53:06 PM

Hello all, just a reminder that in 30 minutes time (5:20~ MST) I will be locking orders and charging cards on backerkit. This will just be for your add-ons that you added in your backerkit survey, and it will only affect people who have finished and submitted their surveys at this time.

In very rare cases, such as with people whose orders failed to charge here on Kickstarter, this will attempt to charge you for your full order/remaining balance. But it will only charge what you still owe, it will not charge you for what you've already paid. No one is being double charged. : )

After today, I will periodically lock people's orders who put in their surveys and charge them on Fridays.

If you realize you want more items, you can ALWAYS reach out to Backerkit support and have them unlock your order to add them, then I will re-lock and charge on the next Friday. 

Also a reminder that refunds are now off the table. I have honored all who asked, and there will be no more refunds made on this campaign no matter the reason. This is because from here on, the money is being spent, so it won't exist to give back. Thanks for your understanding.

In the background, I'm almost done paying all the artists (Now its just down to the final 30~ who haven't gotten me payment methods yet. So it'll be done soon!)

Talk again soon, I have new cards to share, designs, and more! Hopefully we can delve in next week.


your pub gob

Reminder that Refunds are due! Charges will come Wednesday!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 04:02:33 PM

Hello you lovely people!

I meant to put out an update yesterday warning people that yesterday was the last day to request a refund! I have failed at that-- my apologies.

So I am extending acceptance of refund requests through tonight to tomorrow. Any time yet today or tomorrow, I will accept refund requests messaged to me here on Kickstarter or emailed to [email protected]! I may not get to the refund for a few more days, but as long as it arrives today or tomorrow (the 18th), I'll accept it. 

No other refunds will be made on this project for any reason, so be sure you're okay with your pledge and funds now, or hold your peace.

Charges Wednesday!

Because of the shift in refunds, I am going to charge people on Wednesday the 19th on Backerkit. This means if you added some more items in your survey, or your charge failed on Kickstarter, Backerkit will try to charge you for any remaining funds due. If you paid on Kickstarter and didn't add any items in Backerkit, you won't be charged a thing. No worries.

Early Items

There were some early shipping items that I said would go out when the campaign ended. This would be the 3 people who got 1st edition oracle dice sets as a wandering tier/add-on, people who got Normal Tarot Gold, Silver, or 1st edition, or people who got my poetry or the podcast CD sets/books.

I put in an order for the Poetry books, and they should be my way in the next couple weeks. At that time I will reach out to each of you who got these weird items and get shipping info, in case your address on backerkit isn't where you are now, but where you will be when this project ships in March next year.

That's all for now, I'll ping on Wednesday when I go to charge people!


your pub gob