
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Day to Get Surveys In for Wave 2! | Reminders! and FAQ
8 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 04:52:58 PM

Hello Alleyfolk,

Happy July!

I wanted to drop an update before tomorrow to remind people that July 10th, Wednesday, tomorrow, is the LAST DAY to get your survey in. On the 11th, I will export the last people who need shipping costs added to their orders, get shipping charged on those orders over the next week, and then get those last Wave 2 orders handed off to New Titan!

SURVEYS: People who never paid shipping, or who didn't do their survey, should be advised they will only get their items if they pay it or do their survey. You can check to see if you did your survey here.

If you already paid shipping before now, you were in Wave 1. Wave 2 is ONLY for people who never got shipping paid or surveys sent in. At this point its just under 300 folks. If any of the 230 people who haven't done surveys yet do not get them turned in by tomorrow, their orders will be cancelled without refund. (Humorously a bunch of them appear to be artists who never put in their info to get their free decks-- I'll reach out to each of them personally to help them figure that out.) I've sent lots of reminder emails from backerkit and even did some from my own email address, so people have been attempted to be reached for over a year at this point.


  • When should my order arrive?: New Titan, our manufacturer and shipper, said that by July 15th everyone should have their items, or at the very least tracking info in an email. Please check your spam folder for that tracking!
  • Who to Contact: Please reach out to New Titan, but read the full FAQ so you aren't asking questions already answered when possible! They are getting lots of requests, and that makes their backlog of answering take longer. So be sure your answer isn't below! [email protected]
  • Ordering things you didn't get...? : We will put the remaining items on when we are done fulfilling. May be a bit yet as we finish shipping Wave 2 of backer orders.
  • I want a Digital Guide: They are already up on the Pub Gob website
  • Candles!!: Some international packages had candles removed from the bag with the key and charms, because we found out we couldnt air ship those. We are looking into fixes still, but you will eventually either get a candle shipped on its own or a small partial refund.
  • TRACKING?: North American and US orders get those in emails before items reach them. International orders SHOULD get them before the items arrive, but I keep hearing from people that they get the items then the tracking info goes out to them that day or the next day. Not sure why, apologies!
  • REFUNDS: Refunds were offered until July 16th 2023. No more are offered after that no matter the reason.
  • Damaged or Missing Items, Lost or Misdelivered Packages: You will have 30 days after your package arrives to you to report to [email protected] if you need replacement items or have missing items in your order. For packages that go missing, you will have 45 days after the item is sent (60 for international packages) to report lost or misdelivered packages to have us resend or follow up on the items.
    Loosely, this is July 20 to August 15th for US Orders for missing items, and August 10th for International Orders for missing items. Then it's August 25th for US Orders, and August 25th for International Orders for missing packages
  • REMINDER: Wooden Boxes are going separately yet, Alleyman's Tarot items shipped separately already, and Hit Point Press's Animated Tarot shipped separately! (You can contact me: [email protected] for animated tarot missing)
  • WHO TO CONTACT?: New Titan is our manufacturer and shipper. Reach out to them please! I can't help with missing or lost packages, tracking information, or things missing items. I'd love to, but I have no access to that information, only New Titan does. So reach out to them at the email below, thank you!
  • [email protected]

As They Arrive....

And I know lots of your international folks have been getting your items! PLEASE, please share your goods! Your first readings! Your box openings! Your reviews! You can tag us on socials in so many places!

Facebook: Our Official Page - New Titan's Page - The Alley Fan Page!

Twitter: My Personal - The Pub Gob @PublishGoblin

Tumblr: @PublishingGoblin

Or Instagram: On our Official IG! @PublishingGoblin

Or if you just wanna say hi and let me know how great the decks are, email at [email protected]!

Lots of @PublishingGoblin or @PublishGoblin! I love to see it, and especially on this project it means the world to see it all out there in your hands. These last handful of projects have been very tight financially and I'm working a job to make ends meet since December. So, seeing the art finished, in your hands, means the world and keeps me going with the whole Pub Gob experience.

As always, my other projects are in their pre-order phases and pre-launch phases!

Now is the best time to get Normal Tarot pre-orders in, as I'm about to send in final production numbers and head to manufacturing!

You can grab some Alleyman Pinsets here! These are heading into the mail this coming week and weekend, as I have them in hand and there are fewer than 300 orders to send! So get at the pre-orders now before I lock them!

And the Hot Housewives is closing in on its final week, and just 5000 away from its goal! Take a look if you have the time! : )

You can time travel into a fun roleplaying game with ZOETROPE here!

Or be a spooky ghost friend with WHAT WE POSSESS here!

And Confluence is gearing up for a huge TTRPG October over here!

Any other questions, message, comment, or email: [email protected]!

Thanks all,


your pub gob

Gobbo's Birthday | July 15th Wave 1 Date | Some Other Answers!
9 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 09:41:57 AM

Hello Alleyfolk,

It's my birthday, and I'm using it to catch up on work haha.

Who to Contact: Please reach out to New Titan, but read the below info so you aren't asking questions already answered when possible! They are getting lots of requests, and that makes their backlog of answering take longer. So be sure your answer isn't below! [email protected]

Ordering things you didn't get...? : We will put the remaining items on when we are done fulfilling. So if you missed a booster you wanted, please hold on for a bit. The final date for people to get their surveys in is July 10th, so after that we will ship Wave 2's orders which will be much faster because it's fewer packages. After that we'll put those items up for sale. However, this time we have way fewer extras to go around, so be sure to grab what you want quickly.

Digital Guide: They are already up on the Pub Gob website

Candles!!: Some packages that were going international had candles sent back to us as being a chemical we couldn't ship by air. I thought we were reshipping them another way but it seems air is the best or only way to get things where they're going to those destinations. So we're talking at the moment about whether it's best to refund the candle cost to backers who lost them or ship them through other companies-- they're just purple candles, they aren't any particular specific thing, so we can get them elsewhere nearer you if needed. The real cost in that bag was the bag, charms, and the key, the key in particular was super expensive to get done. I will let people affected know when we figure out the best option, but New Titan is covering the cost on this since it's a lesson learned on shipping!

Final Expected Ship Dates for Wave 1: July 15th

I am very sorry I apparently spoke out of my ass when I said end of June. New Titan told me that the Texas and New Jersey warehouses would have their freight shipments on particular dates that were by the 24th. At the time I thought things were going to be like, 1) Arrives at warehouse, 2) Next day goes in mail, 3) Everyone has things within a week. New Titan did not promise by end of June, I did. So that is my apology. 

Things are finally at the Texas warehouse as of today (supposed to have arrived over a week ago!), but the New Jersey warehouse hasn't gotten their freight delivery yet, but expect it tomorrow or the day after. There are batches of common-orders ready to go straight into the mail, but that may take a day or two to get into the mail, then there are complicated orders that had either been mostly packed already (sans an item or two) or that were too complex and need packed from scratch. 

We are not the freight company's only customer, and hell, we aren't even New Titan's only customer. That said, July 15th is the date when you can expect to have items in hand or, AT THE LEAST, if yours was one of the complicated pick and pack orders, tracking. 

All Rest of World packages have been sent. Australia were sent a bit ago but have taken time to get scanned by local carriers, which I am seeing in the comments is happening now!

We expect 99% of orders to be in people's hands or just a day away by July 15th. There are always unexpected things, candles, lost packages, tricky addresses. 


As a result, I'm updating the Terms and Conditions deadlines just a little more. So our FAQ:

  • TRACKING?: North American and US orders get those in emails before items reach them. International orders SHOULD get them before the items arrive, but I keep hearing from people that they get the items then the tracking info goes out to them that day or the next day. Not sure why, apologies!
  • NO ADDRESS CHANGES FOR WAVE 1: Addresses cannot be updated for Wave 1 (anyone who got their info in and shipping paid prior to mid April.) It's been impossible since April, I'm sorry. I know many moved, but that doesn't change that we can't change the address. We will reship if it bounces. Set up mail forwarding please. Sometimes it works for packages, sometimes it doesn't.
  • REFUNDS: Refunds were offered until July 16th 2023. No more are offered after that no matter the reason.
  • SURVEYS: People who never paid shipping, or who didn't do their survey, should be advised they will only get their items if they pay it or do their survey. You can check to see if you did your survey here.
  • WAVE 2: Wave 2's deadline to get their survey in is still July 10th.  I will slowly add shipping and charge it week to week, but am primarily planning to get shipping added and charged after July 10th. You will not be left behind if you get your info in before July 10th but haven't gotten shipping, you'll have a window to get the shipping taken care of after that. Anyone who doesn't get their surveys done by July 10th will have their order canceled without refund on July 11th.
  • Damaged or Missing Items, Lost or Misdelivered Packages: You will have 30 days after your package arrives to you to report to [email protected] if you need replacement items or have missing items in your order. For packages that go missing, you will have 45 days after the item is sent (60 for international packages) to report lost or misdelivered packages to have us resend or follow up on the items.
    Loosely, this is July 20 to August 15th for US Orders for missing items, and August 10th for International Orders for missing items. Then it's August 25th for US Orders, and August 25th for International Orders for missing packages
  • REMINDER: Wooden Boxes are going separately yet, Alleyman's Tarot items shipped separately already, and Hit Point Press's Animated Tarot shipped separately! (You can contact me: [email protected] for animated tarot missing)
  • WHO TO CONTACT?: New Titan is our manufacturer and shipper. Reach out to them please! I can't help with missing or lost packages, or things missing items. I'd love to, but I have no ability to. So reach out to them at the email below, thank you!
  • [email protected]

As They Arrive....

And I know lots of your international folks have been getting your items! PLEASE, please share your goods! Your first readings! Your box openings! Your reviews! You can tag us on socials in so many places!

Facebook: Our Official Page - New Titan's Page - The Alley Fan Page!

Twitter: My Personal - The Pub Gob @PublishGoblin

Tumblr: @PublishingGoblin

Or Instagram: On our Official IG! @PublishingGoblin

Lots of @PublishingGoblin or @PublishGoblin! I love to see it, and especially on this project it means the world to see it all out there in your hands. These last handful of projects have been very tight financially and I'm working a job to make ends meet since December. So, seeing the art finished, in your hands, means the world and keeps me going with the whole Pub Gob experience.

As always, my other projects are in their pre-order phases and pre-launch phases!

Now is the best time to get Normal Tarot pre-orders in, as I'm about to send in final production numbers and head to manufacturing!

You can grab some Alleyman Pinsets here! These are heading into the mail this coming week and weekend, as I have them in hand and there are fewer than 300 orders to send! So get at the pre-orders now before I lock them!

And the Hot Housewives is live, a week into its project, and halfway funded! With your help we will fund, alleviate financial burdens for me so I can work on the project more full-time, and if we can push to the stretch goals, we will add in a really amazing secondary project in the Misery Tarot with Enoch Duncan doing the art! So help us place the Queen of Bombs and the Bogeyman from the original Alleyman's Tarot into their own decks!

It will also let me rest a bit and not run from project to project once this year is over, and that is worth its weight in gold.

You can time travel into a fun roleplaying game with ZOETROPE here!

Or be a spooky ghost friend with WHAT WE POSSESS here!

And Confluence is gearing up for a huge TTRPG October over here!

And that's all for now once more. Thank you for your patience, shipping in the world takes forever, but everything is (and has been) in motion! I'm going to go get some more work done yet, but I promise to take time for me yet today for my bday!

I'm having a small thing with friends tonight, and I'll take myself out for lunch. And I do see ALL of the comments and messages, I promise. I respond where I can and when I think it's needed, and otherwise I try to answer questions in updates! But I promise I see you all. If you feel I've missed you specifically, drop me an email at [email protected], I always get to those!

Thanks all,


your pub gob

Wooden Boxes On the Move! | The Hot Housewives Tarot Live! | The Alleyman Pins
9 months ago – Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 05:34:06 PM

First, please see the most recent update for information on the overall shipping timeline and the FAQ! If you haven't taken a look at it yet, this is the time to. It includes things like who to contact about missing packages, checking tracking, when things will arrive, and more. So it's important! 

tl;dr, everyone will have orders in hand by end of June, reach out to New Titan if you have questions about packages ([email protected]), and if you never did your survey, please do it! Please be patient with New Titan, they have a labor shortage and may need a few days to get back to you.

The Wooden Boxes

Second, our wooden boxes are on the move! As I've noted before and in the FAQ, the 3-deck wooden box is coming separately. I mentioned it a while back actually, that they were going to take longer and that we're shipping them separate at no cost to you or me-- New Titan is taking it on and being the best.

That means that, yes, the boxes are all done.

To say the least, I am SO FREAKING EXCITED. I can't wait to have one in hand. This was my most ambitious design to date for a wood box, and I've already begun working on a much harder one haha. Can't wait to make just an impossible box for a future project. 

Shawn, our contact with New Titan (and the owner!), has told me that they are leaving China at the end of June, and will be arriving to the US end of July, then out to backers in August. For obvious reasons, PLEASE reach out to New Titan ([email protected]) if you got one and will be in a new location by the time they ship. I'll send another reminder closer to them shipping.

From the Alley

The Alleyman has done so much, and brought so much into the world! From the original deck, to these Alleyway Oracles, to the Alleyman Podcast, and now to the Alleyman Pinsets and the decks live for funding right now, today, this has been an amazing experience.

If you loved the Queen of Bombs from the Alleyman's Tarot, you can join in right now to fund the Hot Housewives Tarot, the home for that very card. It's a lambasting of 50s American Exceptionalism, but it still follows a great deal of traditional tarot structure, while having some extra interesting elements! This is funding the creation of it, entirely from scratch and the start. And it only just launched today! We're quickly nearing $20k, and that's amazing considering I'm not running any ads!

If you loved the Bogeyman from the Alleyman's Tarot as well, funding the creation of that deck at the same time is happening right now as the $80k stretch goal on the Hot Housewives project! So come check it out, then join after it completes as I do weekly and monthly updates on the decks progress, research, design, and guidebook writing!

And if you're an enamel pin person, I just finally got the pins in from the From the Alley Pinset! You can go check the full gallery of the pins in person on the update for that project here. Then if you need some, go ahead and place a 'pre'order for them here! I put 'pre' in quotes because I'm going to start shipping this month!

We have three of the Deaths from the Alleyman's, a fun rendition of the Sun, Moon, and Star from across my projects (Sun from the oracle dice, Moon from The Alleyway Tarot, and Star from the Alleyman's Tarot!), then the Queen of Bombs, The Final Tarot Card, and The Bogeyman! There's also a bonus Justice card featuring the sword from the Knight of Judgement from my Oracle Dice set.

Then of course there's the Alleyman's Tarot logo, the Alleyman himself, the Alleyway Oracle coming in at a massive 3.5" tall, and a Struck Alleyman pin, with the Alleyman being shot from his tarot card frame by glow in the dark blue arrows!


I'm really excited for all of this-- The Alleyway Oracles entering people's hands right now, the pins about to ship in a week, and now the Queen of Bombs and Bogeyman seeking their original decks. Once this has all come to fruition, the last piece I want to do is complete the Alleyway Podcast, and then I don't know! I think the Alleyman might have reached his conclusion.

So thank you for your time, your support, your attention. All of this could only happen thanks to your help. Thank you!!


your pub gob

Happy June! | North American Packages are Free!
9 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 06:44:34 PM

North American Packages Free!

Hello friends!

As always, I hold off on making updates until I have the information in hand to share. As of yesterday, I got that information! So let's check out what's happened:

While our ship did arrive more or less on time (a couple days late), it couldn't dock or unload for a few days because the ports were so clogged. Then, for reasons we still don't have answers for, our container ended up in a no-go area. No access was available for us to get the container or move it. That was from the 20th of May until just June 7th, over two weeks, and they wouldn't explain or give us a date.

But as of Friday, that June 7th mentioned, we got the container and got North American packages moving out! This was in LA, and 740 orders are already shipped out from there! Today many of you received notifications from that, with tracking numbers going out. 

Another batch is heading to Texas, and another is going to New Jersey, where they will go out into the mail from those spots in New Titan Warehouses over the course of the month, which will be done by the end of June. Apologies again for the delays, but such is transportation in a world "after" COVID.


As a result, I'm updating the Terms and Conditions deadlines, since our container was kidnapped by the port for so long. So our FAQ:

  • TRACKING?: North American and US orders get those in emails before items reach them. International orders SHOULD get them before the items arrive, but I keep hearing from people that they get the items then the tracking info goes out to them that day or the next day. Not sure why, apologies!
  • NO ADDRESS CHANGES FOR WAVE 1: Addresses cannot be updated for Wave 1 (anyone who got their info in and shipping paid prior to mid April.) It's been impossible since April, I'm sorry. I know many moved, but that doesn't change that we can't change the address. We will reship if it bounces. Set up mail forwarding please. Sometimes it works for packages, sometimes it doesn't.
  • REFUNDS: Refunds were offered until July 16th 2023. No more are offered after that no matter the reason.
  • SURVEYS: People who never paid shipping, or who didn't do their survey, should be advised they will only get their items if they pay it or do their survey. You can check to see if you did your survey here.
  • WAVE 2: Wave 2's deadline to get their survey in and then get shipping paid is July 10th. That's a month from today. I will slowly add shipping and charge it week to week. You will not be left behind if you get your info in before July 10th but haven't gotten shipping, you'll have a window to get the shipping taken care of after that. Anyone who doesn't get their surveys done by July 10th will have their order canceled without refund.
  • Damaged or Missing Items, Lost or Misdelivered Packages: You will have 30 days after your package arrives to you to report to [email protected] if you need replacement items or have missing items in your order. For packages that go missing, you will have 45 days after the item is sent (60 for international packages) to report lost or misdelivered packages to have us resend or follow up on the items.
    Loosely, this is July 10-20th for US Orders for missing items, and July 25th for International Orders for missing items. Then it's July 25th for US Orders, and August 10th for International Orders for missing packages
  • REMINDER: Wooden Boxes are going separately yet, Alleyman's Tarot items shipped separately already, and Hit Point Press's Animated Tarot shipped separately!
  • WHO TO CONTACT?: New Titan is our manufacturer and shipper. Reach out to them please! I can't help with missing or lost packages, or things missing items. I'd love to, but I have no ability to. So reach out to them at the email below, thank you!
  • [email protected]

As They Arrive....

And I know lots of your international folks have been getting your items! PLEASE, please share your goods! Your first readings! Your box openings! Your reviews! You can tag us on socials in so many places!

Facebook: Our Official Page - New Titan's Page - The Alley Fan Page!

Twitter: My Personal - The Pub Gob

Tumblr: Pub Gob Official!

Or Instagram: On our Official IG!

Lots of @PublishingGoblin or @PublishGoblin! I love to see it, and especially on this project it means the world to see it all out there in your hands. These last handful of projects have been very tight financially and I'm working a job to make ends meet since December. So, seeing the art finished, in your hands, means the world and keeps me going with the whole Pub Gob experience.

As always, my other projects are in their pre-order phases and pre-launch phases!

You can grab some Alleyman Pinsets here!

You can time travel into a fun roleplaying game with ZOETROPE here!

Or be a spooky ghost friend with WHAT WE POSSESS here!

The Normal Tarot is still doing pre-orders here!

And Confluence is gearing up for a huge TTRPG October over here!

And finally, the Hot Housewives Tarot production project is here, readying to launch in just 8 days!!

And that's all for now once more. Now I'll try to get some of your comments and messages and emailed answered before I clock out for the day and get some dinner! : )


your pub gob

Wave 1 Is Moving | Wave 2 Deadline Set
10 months ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 09:42:36 AM

Hello my dear Alley folk,

As of today (or tomorrow), International orders in Wave 1 have been sent. Some will have gotten tracking right away if they are near China, otherwise please be on the lookout for your tracking number to be emailed to you when your package is scanned in your destination country by your local post. We found that to be the case in the past as well. 

At the same time, North American packages should be heading out to people in the next week/two as well. Because of this, I am starting our deadline timers.

Reminder of the Terms and Conditions and Deadlines!

  • We are past the point where refunds of any kind are offered. That ended July 16th 2023.
  • People who never paid shipping, or did their survey, should be advised they will only get their items if they pay it or do their survey. You can check to see if you did your survey here.
  • Remaining backers (those who didn't get shipping paid yet, or who didn't do a survey) who are now in Wave 2, as well as the community copy recipients, have until June 27th to get their surveys in and pay shipping now. If they get it done after that time, or never do it, their pledge is considered forfeit, and funds paid into the project are considered donations to the project. As already noted, no refunds will be offered for such cases. **This obviously doesn't include people already in-talks with me about any problems, or people who did their things on time and had a lost package.
  • A reminder that I can only add shipping costs to your pledge AFTER you do your survey. So the sooner you do that, the sooner I can get shipping costs added.
  • Damaged or Missing Items, Lost or Misdelivered Packages You will have 30 days after your package arrives to you to report to [email protected] or [email protected] if you need replacement items or have missing items in your order. For packages that go missing, you will have 45 days after the item is sent (60 for international packages) to report lost or misdelivered packages to have us resend or follow up on the items.
  • Loosely, this is June 30th for US Orders for missing items, and July 15th for International Orders for missing items. Then it's July 15th for US Orders, and July 30th for International Orders for missing packages

What Now?

We twiddle our thumbs in anticipation! I haven't been told that the North American items are moving yet from the ship, not 100% sure if the customs nonsense is done yet. I'd imagine the weekend+Memorial Day are slowing that process. But it's just a matter of days now!

So then, what more is there to do? Well...

As always, my other projects are in their pre-order phases and pre-launch phases!

You can grab some Alleyman Pinsets here!

You can time travel into a fun roleplaying game with ZOETROPE here!

Or be a spooky ghost friend with WHAT WE POSSESS here!

The Normal Tarot is still doing pre-orders here!

And Confluence is gearing up for a huge TTRPG October over here!

And finally, the Hot Housewives Tarot production project is here, readying to launch in June!

And that's all for now!

See you all in the near future, when people's items begin showing up!