
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a Finish! | Lots of Stuff for Now, Talk Again Soon
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 04:05:29 PM

Hello my dear alleyfolk.

We did it! 4,529 backers pledged $642,172 to help bring this project to life.

We now have 2 weeks where people's charges can be re-checked by Kickstarter. 376 backers right now had charge errors. Some will get it fixed in time, some won't. We'll likely lose a few thousand to 10,000 overall as people drop out. It happens! Just check your order and be sure to update your card info as needed, or clear things with your bank. Please do not contact me about your charge though, I can't help at all with charges or your pledge or rewards here on Kickstarter. You want to reach out to Kickstarter support.

Backerkit Pledge Manager

There were a combined total of over 100 addons and pledge tiers, and I will need to manually import them and all their items. It will probably not be complete for a couple weeks, as I finish up loose strings and whatnot. Plus we can't open the pre-orders and order adjustments until I pay Backerkit from the campaign funds anyways! So we will hop over there in a couple weeks.

And yep-- you'll all be able to add more items to your orders there. Wandering tier/discount prices from the last couple weeks won't be available there, but you'll be able to get the bags, boosters, box, etc and all that. 

Podcast Booster Packs

A few people have been confused-- the Podcast Booster that we unlocked early was the $625,000 booster unlock. It was already unlocked before we hit the actual goal, and was included in the Oracle's Trove tiers.

And yes, for anyone who got the Podcast cards in the Alleyman Podcast campaign that ran last year and shipped out recently, you will get 1 free booster of these cards PER set you got on the original campaign. 

Weird Early Shipping Items

The Normal Tarot items, the 1st Edition Oracle Dice (not the new ones), the copies of my poetry, Podcast CD Sets and Books, that stuff I will be shipping out personally in early July. I'll reach out to backers who got those items to get those things heading to them. All other items (Oracle Dice 2nd edition, Alleyman's Tarot, etc) will ship out with your order proper in early 2024.

Our Totals!

Just for people interested in some numbers!

  • Oracle of Secrets (and guide) 3913
  • Oracle of Play (and guide) 3721
  • Alleyway Tarot (and guide) 3855
  • 3-deck wood box 231
  • 7 piece art print set 683
  • Bag: Des Moines 1611
  • Bag: Tulsa 1580
  • Bag: Longview 1540
  • Blanks Booster 1275
  • Astrological Booster 2274
  • Podcast Booster 1068 (This is prior to previous backers getting new packs, so add another 700~)
  • Community Copies (added up) 175!
  • all this and more heading to 51 Countries!

This is just what was claimed on the campaign. We'll add to the numbers a bit with retailer orders and pre-orders, backerkit order add-ons, etc. 

The Oracle of Secrets Cards!

It's time for me to choose the final 3 cards that we will have made just for the deck, based on your suggestions! 

And our cards are... 

That Which is Buried - That which must be buried, or that which you buried that has not stayed down. Our illustration will feature a box lain down at the bottom of a deep grave, tantalizingly almost opened, but we can't see what's in it. I felt this card really dug into hidden secrets, family darkness, the need to bury and leave something for dead, and more. 

That Light Which Burns - The cruel realization, the horrifying sight, the thing you did not wish to know but are now burdened with. It is that eliminating sun which clears the darkness and doubt, but also that impossible burning light that we should not have looked on. 

That Which Lies Beneath - The eyes peering up from the floorboards, the creature under the bed, that thing we feel deep down into our bones. An inescapable chill, a pervasive feeling of wrongness. The monster that lives under everything we experience. If That Which is Buried is the unspoken trauma, That Which Lies Beneath is the dread that you can't deny, the tell tale heart. It has a mind, and it means us bad.

My Next Steps

I am finalizing what the numbers look like-- taking into account all the cheaper tiers I offered it will take a bit to get the numbers right! But gotta figure out what's coming in, and what needs to go where. Then I'll get things moved to Backerkit for everyone, and to open Pre-Orders. After that, I will be drawing everything to its final forms, gathering the final cards, commissioning the 3 new ones above, and finishing writing the books. Current goal is to have this done by end of July. So we should see all the remaining items by then.

As we head into August, we should be moving things to New Titan to get production begun on everything. That will take some time, and in January 2024 we could well begin looking towards shipping! But for safety, we're keeping our ship date locked at March 2024 for now. 


your pub gob

And we're done.... A short video and more to come tomorrow!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 07:20:42 PM

Thank you to everyone who took part-- this was WILD. 755% funded-- all this money, all these wandering pledge tiers, all the savings! I really appreciate all of you so much. Accept this short video for now, I will be back tomorrow with a proper rundown and closeout of the funding portion of the project. 

For now, I go to the kitchen to eat my indian food that has been kindly waiting on me and rest!

Thank you,

thank you,

thank you,


your pub gob

Just 2 Hours Left | Surprise Tiers | Contributor Campaigns!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 04:58:42 PM

Many people are having add-on issues!

Do NOT use the REWARDS tab on the campaign page. Kickstarter rolled out an update to add-ons and rewards and that tab is BROKEN. If you try to use it will break your Kickstarter page/app. Instead, refresh your browser and app and then use the pledge management as per this old update The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter.

We have just 2 hours left, which means the AMA is starting right now on Instagram!

Pop over to our Instagram now and for the final 2 hours of the campaign, submit questions through our Story and I'll reply in video and in costume as the Alleyway Oracle! Then in the final 15 minutes, I'll go LIVE to hang out with y'all as we count down the final minutes!

Comments Per Day

And have you seen our comments?? Day 1 we had 74 comments. Today alone so far we have almost 400! Keep it coming y'all, we're having fun in this mess. (Ps I get an email for each comment so I assure you I see them all-- even if I don't reply as much. You all rock!)

Surprise Tiers!

Yes, there was a Moth this morning with 100 slots-- and 100 Brats as well! I like the clues and the fun of it, but I also like the randomness I can throw into the works by sneaking in un-hinted at tiers. They weren't the only ones! Enjoy these final hours-- they are sure to be EXPLOSIVE. Seriously, there are a lot of things happening in that final bit of time. Bag bundles, wood box discounts-- who knows!

Contributor Campaigns!

Tiana Davis has re-launched her incredible Divinergy Tarot today, and I know ALL of you have room for Black excellence in your lives! I think now is a great time for any of you who are cash strapped to be reminded that Kickstarter cares MOST about number of unique backers per day, NOT amount of money that has come in. That means if everyone has time to share just a single $1 to this campaign for no reward, not only would it be funded, but it would also BOOST the hell out of the campaign to get it in front of all the amazing people in this world who would love this deck in their lives. So please consider donating just $1 to this campaign if you have a moment. It could change an indie artist's life.

Divinergy Tarot

And oh yeah, we're making it to that final stretch goal friends. So allow me to introduce you to the Triangle Agency.

The Triangle Agency

The Oracle of Play is proud to welcome a card representing the Triangle Agency TTRPG into its ranks! This roleplaying game explores paranormal investigation in some very fun ways, and I highly suggest going to their campaign page to scroll through the art on the page. It's so very fun.

The Triangle Agency Card!

And enjoy my other ramblings in the video, it's a weird day y'all.

Talk again shortly on Instagram, or in a couple hours when the campaign ends and I post another update! : )


your pub gob

Creeping over $600,000 | Another AMA to End the Project | A Peek at Poetry!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 03:02:36 PM


As of right now, we're just barely $800 from going over $600,000-- so it might do so while I am putting this update together. I think we could very well get quite close to $625,000 before we end at 8pm tomorrow, and boy am I excited for that!

A reminder that the booster pack for that goal has already been unlocked early-- the Podcast Booster Pack. What we're aiming for now is the bonus 3 cards going into each deck!

AMA Number Two!

I really enjoyed going 'live' for questions on Instagram last time, so we're doing it again for the final 2 hours leading to the end of the campaign! From 6pm-8pm MST tomorrow, I'll be on Instagram to take your questions through our Instagram story. In those final 15 minutes or so I'll just go fully live so you can say hi and hang out with me while we end the campaign!

You can find us at Publishing Goblin | Seven Dane Asmund (@publishinggoblin) | Instagram!

That's 2 hours, starting at 5pm PST, 6pm MST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST.

Poetry? On My Tarot Campaign? It's More Likely than You Think!


So some of you may have noticed the Poetry Goblin add-on popped up, and then didn't disappear! I got my Masters in Poetry in 2015, and have written fiction, poetry, games, and all that for 15+ years now. After the Alleyman's funded, I ran a small project to fund getting some sets of these books together and out into the world. 

Every Day in Love: Love's Dead the complete collection is a 3-book collection in one massive tome. We're talking 599 pages, y'all. It chronicles my 3-way marriage to fictional horror icons Freddy Krueger and Pinhead, and our raising of horror children. It's domestic, it's experimental, it's satirical, it's at times touching and funny. It was a project I started during my masters, and wrapped up in the recent years.

This Map is Just a Suggestion is a selected and edited retrospective of my last 15 years of poetry, and comes in at a whopping 518 pages on its own, and reflects some of my favorite and best works from across a dozen+ previous books. It includes some work from as far back as my teens, and goes all the way up to new things I wrote last year, sandwiched between MRIs of my own brain. (Don't worry, the MRIs ended up not being needed.)

Together, these two books represent a history of my poetic works up till now, as my next book won't be releasing until late this year-- a more reasonable 80 or so pages. I left the add-on up instead of limiting it because poetry is a hard sell for most people, and I'm happy to see it go into as many homes as it may. And if you get signed copies, that's awful nice as well! : )

Oracle of Secrets's(s) final cards!

On last update I suggested people share ideas for the final 3 Oracle of Secrets cards. Any title or archetypes. I have seen a HUGE number of incredible suggestions, and am still accepting ideas until I decide tomorrow. I will then have them commissioned into existence for us!

Okay, see you all tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!


your pub gob

Our Final 48 Hours | The Oracle of Secrets Final Cards... | New Blood
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 02:33:46 PM

The Final 48 Hours!

Oh my. Check the previous update for the hints for these last days' wandering tiers. 

We have reached out to the winners of the giveaways, they should be announced on the socials in the near future, but they have all been reached out to!

We have 90 Community Copies unlocked so far, with 127 people Signed Up to get one. A bit back someone asked if we could have an add-on cheaper than the $40 add-on to buy a copy for someone. Fair enough. "Part of a Community Copy" is now a $10 add-on. For every four of that add-on, I'll add another Community Copy to the pool, and yes, I'll be rounding up-- so every single Part matters.

The Oracle of Secrets's(s) final cards

We have coins to get early copies of, cloths to finish, guidebooks to layout and edit and finish-- there's a lot to do in Goblin land! And yet, today, we have little left to share.  According to my spreadsheet, the Oracle of Play has its final 4 bonus cards started (yeah there are 4 instead of 3, I don't know why this happens) but not on contract yet, as does the tarot, but the oracle of secrets has none of its final 3 cards grabbed...

Gee, if only there was something we could do about that.

Please comment below with titles or archetypes for the final 3 Oracle of Secrets cards you'd like to see, and I will gather those up to choose the final 3-- all of which will be commissioned just for the deck. What is a burning secret you think should be represented? And I'll share on Thursday the 3 cards we'll be grabbing. I suppose it's dependent on if we make it to the next stretch goal.... but goodness, I think we just might. :)

New Blood

Okay, disclaimer: This project is not related to ours at all-- and I'm not getting paid for sharing their campaign, or cross promoting, or any of that. I just got shown it and thought it sounded neat, and I like to support other indie creators however I can. Now, generally that's through free consultation on people's kickstarters (within reason!), or throwing in a pledge on their project so all followers of mine see it. This time, just due to circumstances, I'm sharing their stuff entirely. This is abnormal for me, and likely won't be repeated any time soon. I prefer to be a person with y'all, not a company. I don't like marketing generally, and I really hate being a billboard for myself or other people's things.  But they have a big goal, are a queer project, and I want them to succeed. Okay, onward.

New Blood

New Blood by Fen Alankus — Kickstarter

Renowned occult expert Michelle Belanger and "Follow the Woo" podcast host Fen Alankus have teamed up with a crew of film professionals and paranormal investigators to launch two new queer, feminist paranormal TV shows, New Blood and Inhuman Beings. These shows aim to redefine the realm of paranormal TV with their fresh perspectives and inclusive representation.

The team is hosting a Kickstarter Campaign to support the final production, marketing, and distribution stages for one season of each show. New Blood, a long-form docu-series, takes audiences on an unexpected initiatory journey into the mysterious world of Vampirism. Inhuman Beings, an episodic docu-series, challenges conventional paranormal TV by broadening its spectrum of encounters, moving beyond ghosts to explore interactions with aliens, Fae, and other strange entities.

Rewards for their Kickstarter backers include magically imbued Ouija planchettes, Bigfoot T-shirts, Subtle-body portrait readings, Bonus and BTS content, Exec Producer credit, guest spots on their shows, and more! With over 100 hours of original footage already compiled, the entirely queer cast and crew are eager to share their weird adventures and invite others to join them on these compelling journeys into the unknown. Season One of New Blood and Inhuman Beings is set to debut on YouTube in late Fall/Winter of 2023. For more information and to help bring these unprecedented shows to life, visit the Kickstarter page or the official website.

Alright friends, that's all for today! See you again oh so very soon.


your pub gob