
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reminder that Refunds are due! Charges will come Wednesday!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 04:02:33 PM

Hello you lovely people!

I meant to put out an update yesterday warning people that yesterday was the last day to request a refund! I have failed at that-- my apologies.

So I am extending acceptance of refund requests through tonight to tomorrow. Any time yet today or tomorrow, I will accept refund requests messaged to me here on Kickstarter or emailed to [email protected]! I may not get to the refund for a few more days, but as long as it arrives today or tomorrow (the 18th), I'll accept it. 

No other refunds will be made on this project for any reason, so be sure you're okay with your pledge and funds now, or hold your peace.

Charges Wednesday!

Because of the shift in refunds, I am going to charge people on Wednesday the 19th on Backerkit. This means if you added some more items in your survey, or your charge failed on Kickstarter, Backerkit will try to charge you for any remaining funds due. If you paid on Kickstarter and didn't add any items in Backerkit, you won't be charged a thing. No worries.

Early Items

There were some early shipping items that I said would go out when the campaign ended. This would be the 3 people who got 1st edition oracle dice sets as a wandering tier/add-on, people who got Normal Tarot Gold, Silver, or 1st edition, or people who got my poetry or the podcast CD sets/books.

I put in an order for the Poetry books, and they should be my way in the next couple weeks. At that time I will reach out to each of you who got these weird items and get shipping info, in case your address on backerkit isn't where you are now, but where you will be when this project ships in March next year.

That's all for now, I'll ping on Wednesday when I go to charge people!


your pub gob

Surveys Are Going Out! | Adjusting Your Final Orders | When Will I Be Charged?
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 04:50:12 PM


First off, we have the pre-order store now open! Please note that this should NOT be used to adjust your orders. Pre-orders are separate from your campaign pledges. However, for friends, family, or countrymen who missed out on the campaign, they can now go place a late pledge through the pre-order system.

The Fablemaker's Tarot

Our pre-orders are joined by the Fablemaker's Animated Tarot Deck! They were the #1 most funded tarot deck before the Alleyman's slipped ahead, but they still own the wildly awesome title of being an animated tarot. Hit Point Press is so great, so I have taken on some of their decks into our pre-order store, and backers can add a copy to their order as well when you finalize add-ons.

Surveys Going Out!

As of right now 5% of surveys have been sent out. This is the smoke test. Once I see those go through without incident, we will send out the remaining 95%. The way this works is simple-- you will be emailed with your link to your survey. The email used will be the one you have associated with your Kickstarter-- or your linked Backerkit email if you changed it there.

Note: People who set up their Kickstarter accounts with AppleIDs don't have emails attached to their accounts, so Backerkit cannot email you. If this is you, or you don't get the survey email in the next 24 hours, you can go here: BackerKit Pledge Manager for The Alleyway Oracles, and go through the Get My Survey process to get into it. 

When you click through the email, you'll end up here:

Backerkit Walkthru

This only shows your pledge level, and how much money was in your pledge. In this example, I'm using the $185 Oracle's Trove tier. After this, it will ask you 3 questions. 

  • 1) A reminder that we aren't shipping until March 2024, and that we haven't charged. Just need your acknowledgement.
  • 2) A notice that your Kickstarter items have been imported, and that after you confirm them, you can add new items! Just need your acknowledgement.
  • 3) This is for a potential future thing, but wanted to know if you'd be interested in tarot-card sized frames! Let us know if that's of interest.
  • 4) If you have another question here, it's because of your pledge tier, and it'll be asking about your touched decks, or your oracle dice wood box top option, if you got one.

When we're on these pages, the anatomy is like this:

Backerkit Walkthrough

The red-circled part shows the campaign, your pledge amount, and what your pledge tier was, as well as showing your email address. This is nice to check just to be sure you are in the right person's survey-- that basically never is an issue that I know of, but it's there!

The blue-circled part shows the sections of the survey. First are these 3 questions, then you'll be shown add-ons, then it will get shipping information from you, and finally you'll confirm the survey!

The yellow-circled part shows the buttons you are using to go between the parts of the survey.

Okay let's move on!

Backerkit Walkthrough

When you go to the second page, Add-Ons, it will show you all the possible add-ons you can grab on the LEFT, with the item squares and images. The Add to Cart button will let you grab that item you missed out on or forgot to get.

Now on the RIGHT, under "Pledge-Level", you can see the full pledge. In this case, it's the Oracle's Trove pledge tier, and it shows line by line what all the items are included in that pledge tier. This is how you check to make sure that you got everything you wanted, and don't get duplicates. 

Once you've confirmed you have what you want, and added extras of items you still wanted, hit NEXT.

The third page is straightforward, just fill in your address information. Yes, you'll be able to adjust this address up until we begin shipping/printing shipping labels in early 2024. So no worries!

Okay, onto the fourth page!

Here, it just wants to confirm with you what all you picked, how much your total is, how much more you owe, shipping info, etc. Lastly it will ask you to put in a payment option if you don't already have one associated with your backerkit account.

Note: You won't be charged for this right away.

That's it! Survey done.

 When Will I be Charged?

I will move to charge the first batch of order adjustments, new add-ons, and pre-orders on Monday the 17th. This is because the last of the refunds will be done by the 16th, and that will give people time to get their things together! This also means for people who didn't get their things together in time on Kickstarter, I can attempt to charge the card you put on your backerkit survey for your whole order on the 17th. If you don't want me to do so and want me to cancel your order, let me know sooner than later.

A good moment to remind people again that I am doing refunds for any reason until the 16th. When the 16th ends, I will not be offering refunds for any reason for the rest of the project. 

After that, I will periodically charge orders on Fridays. You'll be able to adjust your order (add or swap items, though not remove items) at any time, as well as change your address, until we are closer to shipping. After I lock orders to charge them, this will have to be done through Backerkit support, but it can be done. We just won't be able to do refunds, so be sure you have what you want by the 16th!

Okay, that's all for now!

See you in survey town tonight/tomorrow!


your pub gob

Just a quick note!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 01:00:58 PM


The Kickstarter funds finally arrived, and not a moment too soon! I was at $0 in my personal account-- it was a frugal birthday! But things are where they should be. We lost about $25,000 in dropped pledges-- people whose cards were declined for various reasons who didn't get it sorted out in time-- which is more than I expected. But some will come through on backerkit and get it paid a little later yet.

Today I paid the Backerkit charges, and have pushed for the review to happen hopefully faster than normal so we can get moved to surveys and pre-orders on Backerkit yet this week!

I will put out the longer update when that occurs to let you all know what we're doing and what's going on over there. And that's it for now!

Now I just need to get over this cold. Have a happy 4th for those who have plans! : )


Just a quick hello! | When we move to Backerkit | Reminder of the Terms and Conditions...
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 02:07:08 PM

Hello everyone!!

It's been a little bit. I have been working very little this last week-- enough to get the backerkit readied, but not enough to get things to show you. Apologies! I've been making excuses, but honestly after the campaign and with my birthday this weekend, I'm just kind of coasting on good vibes. Back to work next week!

That being said, Backerkit IS ready to go. We won't move over until 14 days have passed, so that Kickstarter can get people squared away with any problem card charges and the like. I'll plan on announcing the move to Backerkit on the 30th, with all the info you need to understand it.

PS did you know from the discount tiers and wandering things, we discounted a total of over $105,000 on this campaign? Just absolutely wild!

Terms and Conditions

Contacting me: [email protected]

reminder that I can't help with kickstarter charging issues-- I can refund you and that's about it.

First, I just want to remind people that I can refund anyone for any reason until July 16th. But after July 16th, no refunds will be granted for any reason. So if you need to cancel, make sure you let me know sooner than later. There comes a certain point in the campaign where the money is spent, and it no longer exists to give back. We're nipping late refund requests in the bud here by limiting them to 30 days after the campaign ends.

Second, we have NOT charged shipping. That was noted on the project page, but shipping will be charged on Backerkit closer to our shipping date. We have estimates on the campaign page. If, when we put the shipping charges out, you fail to pay it on time (you'll have multiple weeks to pay), your pledge will be forfeit. If you choose not to pay the shipping charge for whatever reason, your pledge will be forfeit. In either case, no refunds will be offered.

There are also terms relating to survey and fulfillment deadlines, but those aren't pertinent just yet, so you can peruse them on the campaign page if you need a refresher. 

And that's all for now. Happy weekend and Pride to all! : )


your pub gob

What a Finish! | Lots of Stuff for Now, Talk Again Soon
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 04:05:29 PM

Hello my dear alleyfolk.

We did it! 4,529 backers pledged $642,172 to help bring this project to life.

We now have 2 weeks where people's charges can be re-checked by Kickstarter. 376 backers right now had charge errors. Some will get it fixed in time, some won't. We'll likely lose a few thousand to 10,000 overall as people drop out. It happens! Just check your order and be sure to update your card info as needed, or clear things with your bank. Please do not contact me about your charge though, I can't help at all with charges or your pledge or rewards here on Kickstarter. You want to reach out to Kickstarter support.

Backerkit Pledge Manager

There were a combined total of over 100 addons and pledge tiers, and I will need to manually import them and all their items. It will probably not be complete for a couple weeks, as I finish up loose strings and whatnot. Plus we can't open the pre-orders and order adjustments until I pay Backerkit from the campaign funds anyways! So we will hop over there in a couple weeks.

And yep-- you'll all be able to add more items to your orders there. Wandering tier/discount prices from the last couple weeks won't be available there, but you'll be able to get the bags, boosters, box, etc and all that. 

Podcast Booster Packs

A few people have been confused-- the Podcast Booster that we unlocked early was the $625,000 booster unlock. It was already unlocked before we hit the actual goal, and was included in the Oracle's Trove tiers.

And yes, for anyone who got the Podcast cards in the Alleyman Podcast campaign that ran last year and shipped out recently, you will get 1 free booster of these cards PER set you got on the original campaign. 

Weird Early Shipping Items

The Normal Tarot items, the 1st Edition Oracle Dice (not the new ones), the copies of my poetry, Podcast CD Sets and Books, that stuff I will be shipping out personally in early July. I'll reach out to backers who got those items to get those things heading to them. All other items (Oracle Dice 2nd edition, Alleyman's Tarot, etc) will ship out with your order proper in early 2024.

Our Totals!

Just for people interested in some numbers!

  • Oracle of Secrets (and guide) 3913
  • Oracle of Play (and guide) 3721
  • Alleyway Tarot (and guide) 3855
  • 3-deck wood box 231
  • 7 piece art print set 683
  • Bag: Des Moines 1611
  • Bag: Tulsa 1580
  • Bag: Longview 1540
  • Blanks Booster 1275
  • Astrological Booster 2274
  • Podcast Booster 1068 (This is prior to previous backers getting new packs, so add another 700~)
  • Community Copies (added up) 175!
  • all this and more heading to 51 Countries!

This is just what was claimed on the campaign. We'll add to the numbers a bit with retailer orders and pre-orders, backerkit order add-ons, etc. 

The Oracle of Secrets Cards!

It's time for me to choose the final 3 cards that we will have made just for the deck, based on your suggestions! 

And our cards are... 

That Which is Buried - That which must be buried, or that which you buried that has not stayed down. Our illustration will feature a box lain down at the bottom of a deep grave, tantalizingly almost opened, but we can't see what's in it. I felt this card really dug into hidden secrets, family darkness, the need to bury and leave something for dead, and more. 

That Light Which Burns - The cruel realization, the horrifying sight, the thing you did not wish to know but are now burdened with. It is that eliminating sun which clears the darkness and doubt, but also that impossible burning light that we should not have looked on. 

That Which Lies Beneath - The eyes peering up from the floorboards, the creature under the bed, that thing we feel deep down into our bones. An inescapable chill, a pervasive feeling of wrongness. The monster that lives under everything we experience. If That Which is Buried is the unspoken trauma, That Which Lies Beneath is the dread that you can't deny, the tell tale heart. It has a mind, and it means us bad.

My Next Steps

I am finalizing what the numbers look like-- taking into account all the cheaper tiers I offered it will take a bit to get the numbers right! But gotta figure out what's coming in, and what needs to go where. Then I'll get things moved to Backerkit for everyone, and to open Pre-Orders. After that, I will be drawing everything to its final forms, gathering the final cards, commissioning the 3 new ones above, and finishing writing the books. Current goal is to have this done by end of July. So we should see all the remaining items by then.

As we head into August, we should be moving things to New Titan to get production begun on everything. That will take some time, and in January 2024 we could well begin looking towards shipping! But for safety, we're keeping our ship date locked at March 2024 for now. 


your pub gob