First, the Oracle of the Alley wandering tier came and went the other day, while I had a nice few days off and painted some more miniatures. I hear the slots were grabbed up quite quickly, so let me let you all know that the Alleyman will be here at 7:13am MST on the 3rd.
But now that everyone knows, that will be a hard one to get, I think. So I'm going to triple the slots on it. Maybe that's a good start. But I've also heard some tales of woe from those trying to claim these wandering tiers.
So starting the 3rd, I'm going to invite them all back. Every day after the Alleyman visits, we will have another visitor. Some of these will include items that aren't even being offered in the campaign at all. Like the good little hoarding goblin that I am, I have some stashed away final copies of the Gold Normal Tarot, Silver Normal Tarot, a few sets left of the original 1st edition Oracle Dice, a party card game I never fully released, and more! There will be more clues, and some days there may even be multiple visitors. It should get quite silly for those hunting down the strangers. Thanks for playing along! : )
The Alleyman Statue
Also I can now confirm after some slight edits from our 3-D artist: Victoria Jeffrey (Hit Point Press) on the Alleyman Miniature that the 8" statue now has a big enough base and dedicated slots for 2 tarot cards to fit comfortably beside the Alleyman for you to display or meditate on. I'm so in love with it!
New Cards
3 New Cards!
Coming to the Alleyway Tarot is a new Chariot-- The Vow lives the fantasy of a Knightly Vow, or Vow of Vengeance, for all your Oracle of Play knightly needs and deeds-- and The Gambler thrives on the edge of danger in the Oracle of Secrets.
See you again soon, when we take a look at the Dice in the Tulsa add-on bag, and we have some other things to look at don't we? New cards, a tarot cloth, a key, coins, tokens!! So many things yet to see, it seems. I also heard something about giveaways...
Alright, talk again soon my friends,
your pub gob
Joining Cards! | Community Copies | Live Campaigns!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, May 26, 2023 at 05:43:37 PM
Well hello there, new cards! We have 4 new cards to show off for each of the three decks. Now, some of you might be confused-- there were only 3 new cards added to each deck, weren't there? You are correct. Eagle eyed folks who have been counting from day 1 might have noticed that all three of the decks were short by 4 cards. There were only 96 cards shown in the Tarot, and 56 each for the oracles.
Now, the core decks are all revealed. Some cards were stuck in limbo with contracts, some the artist disappeared on before we signed things, and some have come in to replace the lost cards just today. So here we are, with 3 more to reveal for each deck in the very near future.
For now, look for these cards to get added into the website credits listings for the decks and into the deck spread images yet this weekend!
Coming to the Alleyway Tarot:
What is a Community Copy? A community copy is a free copy given by the project to a supporter who can't afford to pledge on this project. It's intended to go to people in difficult financial situations, but nothing is stopping you from signing up for other reasons. In the case of this project, it is a single copy of one of the three decks with its guidebook, chosen when you are picked to be a recipient of a community copy.
How do I get a Community Copy? You signup on the Community Copy List, linked there. That's it! After the campaign is over, as we get closer to the shipment date, I will inform the recipients of the community copies that they were picked, and they will give me their address to ship a copy of the deck of their choice to.
How do we add copies to the Community Copy Pool? This is happening automatically in the background. For every 150 copies of each deck claimed on the project, a copy is added to the pool. And people can intentionally throw a copy into the pool with the Community Copy add-on for $40, unlocking a copy for someone else to have. This is a great way to directly purchase a cheaper copy for someone else if you have the means and want to support the project AND another person.
How big is the Community Copy Pool so far? As of yesterday, the numbers are telling me... We have 51 copies in the community copy pool from the number of decks claimed! And 11 people have already added community copies to their pledges, so we have 62 free decks to handout as of today.
See you soon with even more things to share. And in case people haven't figured it just yet, by the time I put up the update on the 28th I think we'll have had a visitor!
your Pub Gob
The Wandering Oracle Came! | New Add Ons | How to Add an Add On
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, May 24, 2023 at 02:50:35 PM
So today at 10:17 AM MST, the Wandering Oracle of Secrets came. The clues were all in one paragraph, and I guess plenty of you figured it out!
All you curious folks figured it out pretty fast last time. Very well done! Yesterday, at 3pm MST, the Oracle of Play visited with 10 slots for $17 decks. I am thinking future clues will be less revealing, I think. I'd even go so far as to bet 24 on that. I don't think it's any secret who the next oracle will be. You already figured out the time zone, so I won't give that up a second time.
That was the paragraph, and I bolded the clues for ya if you missed them! I said they sold for $17 which is incorrect, they sold for $15, so that was the clue that the number was important! I italicized the 'am' to be AM, and very hamfistedly threw in '24' to note the 24th. I'll try to be more clever as the oracles begin to come more frequently the further we go, but for today, a simple one:
I believe 4(5-2)*2+2-13+15 is a kind of clue. I know you're not six, but Parentheses and Multiplication and all that shouldn't be too hard even if you've been out of school a while. Just be sure to not take the alley on the way home, who knows what might be lurking in there!
New Add Ons!
ThePublishing Goblin's Oracle Dice $30
The Oracle Dice
This is the 2nd Edition Oracle Dice Set featuring the 22 dice in a satin bag, with the velvet double-sided reading cloth, and the 260 page guidebook to learn to read them with! People requested the dice without the wooden box, so here we are. Note that you will be able to buy the set for $35 when we put them on the site in June, but the small discount on this accounts for the fact that they won't ship until your Alleyway Oracles set ships in March 2024.
The Oracles Three $120
The Oracles Three
You all asked for it, so here it is. The $120 3-deck bundle pledge tier, now as an add-on. Hope it helps get more decks into the world! : )
Alleyman Podcast Book and CD Set
The Alleyman Myth Book $15
This hefty 2-lb book features the scripts for the Alleyman Podcast's first season, as well as small 'after the episode' entries about the episode as a whole, as well as featuring footnotes throughout with behind the scenes information about the episode. Limited to 50 slots. The Two Podcast items will uniquely be shipped as soon as the campaign is over, rather than waiting for March 2024. Backers who got these items will be reached out to by me 2 weeks after the campaign ends to get early addresses for these.
The Alleyman Podcast 6-CD Set $35
This 6-CD set of the first season of the podcast features the gorgeous art of the 13 cards found inside throughout the packaging, as well as the full credits and of course the 13-episodes on CDs! Limited to 200 slots. The Two Podcast items will uniquely be shipped as soon as the campaign is over, rather than waiting for March 2024. Backers who got these items will be reached out to by me 2 weeks after the campaign ends to get early addresses for these.
The 8" Alleyman Statue! $80
The 8" Alleyman in White Resin
This item is $80, and is a 3D printed, 8" Alleyman with a slotted base so you can set two tarot cards before him to think on them for the day. This comes in a standard, un-painted Resin for you to decorate as you wish.
The Painted by Seven Alleyman Statue! $170
Some of my Warhammer miniatures I've painted!
This is the above Alleyman $80 statue, but I will be hand-painting on it, writing on it in chrome paint, and otherwise customizing it. There are just 3 slots, as I'll already be handling some Carried by the Alleyman decks and don't want to put too much in my lap, but because it's so few I'll be taking requests on how people want their statues messed with!
I'm not the best painter in the world, but sharing some of the miniatures I've painted in the last year so you know I will be doing something interesting on the statues with at least a little skill! : )
How to Add an Add On to Your Pledge
I've seen a lot of folks confused about how to add items to your pre-existing pledge, so I made a guide!
Step 1
The first step is just to go to the campaign page for the project. There, it shows you at the top corner a new button that tells you that you can manage your pledge. Click that green button to 'Manage Your Pledge'.
Step 2
On this page, you want to select the purple/blue button that says 'Change Your Pledge', it's at the bottom of the screen next to the smaller 'Cancel Your Pledge' button-- don't click that one.
Step 3
Once you do, you'll be brought to this page. It's asking you to select your 'Reward'-- this is choosing your pledge tier. You can stay on the one you already selected, which will automatically be at the top of the page. Note that the top of the page shows "REWARDS > ADD-ONS > CONFIRM". Right now we're on the REWARDS page, and when you click the green 'PLEDGE $XX' button, it will take you on to the ADD-ONS page. Do so now.
Step 4
And now we're where you want to be! It can be easy to miss if you're going quickly, but this is the ADD-ONS page. At the top it's showing you the pledge tier you picked-- in this case the Oracle of Secrets. But if I scroll down, I will have a full, continuing list of the add-ons. You can select ADD next to each one to add them to your pledge.
When you've grabbed everything you want, hop down to the bottom right and click 'CONTINUE', and you're good to go after confirming on the last page.
What's Coming Up?
I think I'm a bit behind on sharing the new cards coming into the decks, so that will be coming on the 26th, alongside the Community Copies pool! I'll explain more about that on Friday-- see you all then!
your pub gob
A Quiet Start... Week 2 Approaches!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, May 22, 2023 at 06:53:39 PM
First off, I am so sick. I have a brutal cold and I'm so stuffed up I'm dying here. But that's no excuse for how slow the project got already-- I guess I'll have to kick it into gear here!
For those wondering the clue from last update about the next wandering oracle still stands, and hasn't come by just yet.
New Add Ons!
On the 24th when I have a visitor, I'll be releasing a BUNCH of add-ons-- but I'm letting you all know now so people might be ready! : )
First off-- the 8" Alleyman Statue will definitely be happening. I love him so much. Talking to New Titan about how much we can price it at, but it will have 2 slots for cards to display. There will be a standard unpainted add-on and a special hand-painted by me slot with just a few slots. I'm imagining the unpainted version will be 80$, but I have to confirm these costs. If we know we'll make a bunch we could price it a little lower, but I don't think it could get much lower unfortunately. How much do you think would be fair? Is the $80 mark out of reach? With the size I think it'd also be a nightmare for shipping internationally for sure-- some logistics to consider before we add it on.
The 8" Alleyman!
And for people who loved the miniature version of him, he's in the Tulsa add-on bag! So be sure to gnab him!
While I won't be offering alternative items from the Alleyman's deck set, just the one full set, I do think we can offer the Oracle Dice without the wood box! I will be putting that up here at $30 I think.
And by the end of day tomorrow, I will know how many Podcast CD Sets and Script Books I have left, and I will offer those as well here with the caveat that they will ship as soon as this project is over-- not with your full order.
I saw the requests to do add-on bag bundles and 3 deck add-ons at the $120 price point. I'm still mulling it over. The add-on bags are already underpriced for their cost, so I don't think I could offer a meaningful bundle price discount that wouldn't also make them bring in basically no money haha-- and the triple deck price reduction likewise isn't enticing just yet. But I'll give it some more thought before Wednesday.
The $625,000 Goal
Now, over on the next goal after $500,000, I have it noted that we'll have a new/returning booster pack. I do now have the full assent of everyone on that booster pack so I can reveal it-- The 13-cards of the Alleyman Podcast CD Set are returning here as an add-on!
I only just got the CD Sets in to ship them out a week and a half ago, and I was so disappointed to find out the cardstock on those cards is just terrible. They're so thin and feel like it. To remedy this for all the backers of that project, I told them that if they pledge on this project, I will get them a reprint of the set of cards on better stock with new card backs, and now I can 100% make good on that promise.
So when we reach the $625k goal, and we will in the coming weeks, know it is an incredible set of 13 cards that I will be sharing here fully when we are heading to unlock it!
Giveaways, Community Copies, Instagram Live Reading Sessions, Artist Chats, and More!
Stay tuned, we're gonna kick this next couple weeks in the butt to keep this campaign moving! Stay up to date with the updates as you can, there will be lots of info coming soon,
Regards and love,
End of Day 5 | The Alleyman Miniature... Or Statue? | Wandering Tiers
almost 2 years ago
– Sat, May 20, 2023 at 07:28:55 PM
We are wrapping day 5. Yesterday was a solid day with $24k more! Today was a fair bit slower, but that's to be expected. The first few days are where the hype lives. No worries, we have fun things still planned, and some big reveals!
The Miniature
I am so excited to share this one--
The Alleyman Miniature!
Alleyman Miniature 3dModeller: Victoria Jeffrey (Hit Point Press)
This miniature was based on the Alleyman design we had in the first project, at the back of Booster Pack 1, and came out incredible. It's being printed at 35mm, a nice little Alleyman for your desktop or shelf. But I did ask New Titan what it might look like to make it larger... like... a lot larger.
The Alleyman... Statue?
What do we think about 8" statues? And what if I offered a few that were hand painted by yours truly? Not to toot my own horn, but I think I could do some really fun things with some painted Alleymen! They're not cheap to print at that size, unfortunately, but I think we could do a few as a special add-on!
Maybe it needs some slots in its base to hold cards...? : )
Wandering Tiers!
All you curious folks figured it out pretty fast last time. Very well done! Yesterday, at 3pm MST, the Oracle of Play visited with 10 slots for $17 decks. I am thinking future clues will be less revealing, I think. I'd even go so far as to bet 24 on that. I don't think it's any secret who the next oracle will be. You already figured out the time zone, so I won't give that up a second time.
Wandering tiers are meant to be a bit fun. Don't feel bad if you missed out, the people who want to figure out the clues and hunt it out are having their fun. So let's let them!
What's Next?
Our next goal at $500,000 is for earning more money for the artists. Then at $625,000, some new cards and a new(ish) booster. Something tells me these numbers might shift around a little as we see what kind of lull is ahead of us, but who knows. I hear the Alley folks are pretty good at taking care of one another, and we may well have another surge here this coming week.