
The Alleyway Oracles

Created by Publishing Goblin

The Alleyman returns with THREE brand new decks as one-time printings: the Alleyway Tarot, Oracle of Secrets, and Oracle of Play.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Charging Again Tomorrow! | Folding a few of you into Wave 1
4 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 10:00:05 AM


I am charging anyone missed or failed for shipping one more time tomorrow. I've been told packing and loading of the cargo ship will be done closer to the mid of April, as it's a big task with all of our amazing items. It's ongoing though, and it means we will see packages arriving in the US/Canada in the first weeks of May. Anyone who got ZOETROPE or What We Possess, should have an exciting May and June then as all the Pub Gob Goodies arrive!

Because it's a long process, and I see just 40 or so people who are all ready now but will have to wait for Wave 2, I'm going to go ahead and get those added into the pile now. I will be assigning shipping costs to you shortly, and then charging likely next week.

That means the ONLY people who will be in Wave 2 now are those 300~ that haven't done their surveys at all yet, or who never paid for their pledges.

Also, we just launched From the Alley: The Alleyman Pinset over on Pintopia with Backerkit!

This is the first From the Alley project to come, with others being the Hot Housewives Deck (with the Queen of Bombs!), one to properly fund the 2nd season of the Alleyman Podcast, and others! 

On Pintopia with Backerkit, we are one of 100+ enamel pin projects launching at the moment, and we have a partner project with Aimee Cozzas dark fantasy Hunted pin project! If you back both of us , you will get a free pin from each of us that was collaboratively made! Check our projects to see what those pins are.

Alright friends,

Talk very soon,


your pub gob

What Next? | Failed Charge? | Second Wave
4 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 06:51:08 PM


First, just a reminder that if you had shipping charged on your order, it's already being packed and labeled, and it is too late to change your shipping address. We can't make exceptions. Please set up mail fowarding if possible, set something up with the people in your old address, or be prepared to re-pay shipping if it is sent back to us. 

If you HAVEN'T had shipping applied or charged on your order, you can still update your address because you'll be in wave 2 of shipping. Just go into Backerkit and adjust it, or ask Backerkit support if you need help.

Failed Charges?

On Friday, I charged shipping for everyone who had a shipping amount on their order. For people who had their card fail for any reason, we will try again this Friday. I received around 50 emails over the weekend of people panicking and reaching out about their card failing. Sorry for the silence, but I don't work on weekends. We will re-attempt then, so be prepared and all. :)

Never Did Survey?

For people who didn't get shipping amounts on their pledges, it's likely because you didn't fill out your survey. I regularly send reminder emails about your survey, including right this moment. Please check spam filters or promotion filters for those, or go to BackerKit Pledge Manager for The Alleyway Oracles to get it re-sent your way. If you don't feel like you're finding your survey and never did it/didn't just get charged shipping, reach out to me at [email protected] or to Backerkit Support for help.

When Will the Second Wave Go Out?

For anyone who got their surveys done after the March 1st/7th deadline (I kept making exceptions), once we get the first wave of items packed and moving, we will then have 30 days for backers to get their orders, surveys complete, and shipping added to their pledge and charged. This will be an ongoing process the full 30 days, and means the second wave of pledges will go out sporadically during that time, and a little after as we process people who get their stuff in during the final moments.

Once that 30 day period is finished though, this campaign will be put to bed and all other pledges will be forfeit. That just means if you never did your survey, now is the time to do it.

The Second Wave will not start getting shipping added to it, charged, or be packed until the first wave of items is out the door. At the moment, that's likely to be start of April or thereabouts. So hold tight if you missed the deadlines, we'll get started on your orders in April.

Alright friends, that's all for now! Talk again soon when I can share my package of goodies, and not too much longer after that, you'll all be able to do the same! : )



Shipping Charges Added to Backerkit! | VAT+Taxes ARE part of the charge | Will Charge the Shipping Friday!
5 months ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 04:53:30 PM

Hello Alleyfolk!

Shipping charges have now been added to your surveys over on Backerkit. As noted in the previous update, I will be charging these on Friday.

I was not at home today when I found out I had to combine VAT/taxes with the shipping, so I wasn't able to let you all know before they went out that the price being shown includes taxes and VAT, or anything fees your country may charge for shipping. So yes, especially for my Australia and Europe people, the charge includes fees, taxes, VAT, etc.

Shipping Totals Seem Off?

First, do want to note that you are only being charged the new shipping price. Some people are a bit confused about the total on Backerkit, and mistakenly seeing what they've already paid (in parentheses above the charge) and thinking they now owe that much as well.

I will respond to all the emails I've received about re-checking prices tomorrow, but we made the charges based on your orders package, the cost of the shipping, plus the money for picking and packing your package, which was a few dollars or so, based on how many items were in your order. So I can generally assure you it is indeed correct! But I will check tomorrow with fringe cases. We can make mistakes, so it's worth checking if you're unsure, but generally speaking we are charging what it costs to ship, plus just a dollar or two to pick and pack/packing materials.

Addresses Hard Locked

It is also too late at this point to change your address. Our original lock date was March 1st, I put out an update in the first week of March to let people know it was now locking a few days late, and in the last update did note that we will reach the end of the time that I can make exceptions. That time is now!

For people who already got me their email today about changing shipping, I will honor that tomorrow and send it to the fulfillment team. But that's all for now.

That means you will need to put mail forwarding in place in April into May if you do move or didn't get your address in on time. We will honor re-shipping if packages return to us, but you will have to pay for the reshipping if it is being reshipped because you moved and/or didn't get us an updated address. Of course, if we make a mistake, we'll take care of it on our dime though.

Also, I've had a number of people reaching out to me about their cards being out of date, and wanting to get me updated card information. You cannot give me your credit card information. Please update them with the websites that are charging you, Kickstarter and Backerkit. Log on to those sites and update your payment method with them. Thanks!

That's all for today! Talk again soon when charges are made, when packages start moving out, and when I get my goodies package featuring all the amazing items!!


your pub gob

Orders Locked! | Shipping Costs Next Week | Alleyman Pins!
5 months ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 05:11:55 PM

As of now, 6pm MST, orders and addresses are locked. 

If you didn't update your address or get the items you wanted in time, please reach out immediately to [email protected]. I will help who I can, as long as I can, but there will be an absolute point where I can't even assist any longer, even if it means we ship to the wrong address! Be sure to set up mail forwarding if that's the case.

If we have to re-ship due to you not getting the correct address in on time, it will be on your dime. Apologies for that hard line, but the money has to come from somewhere, and I have given fair notice. Thank you for your understanding.

And reminder that we are packing orders this month and sending them overseas to then be distributed in the US and Canada. This means US/Canada packages will be packed and labeled now and then go on a boat for a few weeks and then warehouse to THEN go in the mail, so we needed the address now and can't change it between now and the day it goes in the mail, as they are already pre-labeled in China. All international orders will be going out directly from China after the US orders are on the boat, so likely many Asian orders will arrive first, then European, African, and South American should be arriving around the time US and Canadian orders are going out. Weirdly in the past it seemed India and Mexico were some of the last to get their items. Distance and postage difficulties, perhaps? But we should see packages arriving to people in April. For the US, likely the latter half of April, first week of May at the latest from the schedule I last saw.

How To Check Your Survey

If you haven't yet filled out your survey at all, you can still get it done any time in the next 30-45 days or so. I'll let you all know when the timer begins, as it will be when the first wave of items and orders are shipped. Getting it in now will be too late to go in the initial batch of shipments though, so you will go out after April, time to be determined.

Please see yesterday's update for information on how to get/check on your pledge survey.

Shipping Costs

My contact with New Titan unfortunately had his power go out, so he's getting me the shipping costs shortly still. I will be reaching out early next week for when that's all assigned with Backerkit's help, and again, we will be charging it next Friday.

From The Alley: Enamel Pins!

And as noted on the Alleyman's Tarot campaign today, on the 28th I'll be launching a very small campaign during Backerkit's Pintopia project for a set of Alleyman enamel pins! It features the Alleyman as taken from the photos done by Nicholas Bruno for the original Alleyman's project, and three of the Deaths from the original deck-- The Blood Death, The Fire Death, and The Dancing Death! If it does particularly well, we can unlock the Alleyway Oracle Alleyman design from my photos with KP11, and another set of 3 Tarot Cards!

You can signup to be notified here, and check out our partner project for a set of Hunted enamel pins. As part of Pintopia, we are partnered with the Hunted project, and if you back the both of our projects, you'll get an exclusive collaborative pin from each of us! Hers is a gorgeous wolf in the tarot frame I made, and mine is an Alleyman falling out of the tarot frame, struck through by the glow in the dark blue arrows!

This one I'm expecting no more than 100 or so people, and I'll be fulfilling it from my apartment, so it should be quite small! Hope to see some of you there. : )


your pub gob

A Few Days Behind | Shipping Rates Going Live | Addresses Lock Tomorrow!
5 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 09:48:31 AM

Hello alleyfolk!

First of all, my apologies for not updating sooner. I believed I would have shipping rates in hand around the 27th, but that didn't happen. I pinged New Titan and awaited their response. I hate to put out updates for y'all that don't have any real information, so I usually opt to wait until I have info in hand. And now I do!

A Few Days Behind

New Titan was having a real hard time figuring out how to get the packages together between the three decks, alleyman extras, oracle dice extras. All that is quite a bit! But they have figured it out, and are getting me the shipping rates today

This means we are locking addresses and orders for good TOMORROW.

So if you need to update your address, or add a final item, you have today alone. Reach out to backerkit support asap, or hit me up at [email protected] if you need other items. 

Lost Your Survey, Need it to Update Address?

Click through there, put in your kickstarter-related email, and get it taken care of! Especially if you worry you never did your survey at all. There are still 325 people who haven't filled out their surveys, so it's now or never. If you aren't sure if you did your survey, follow the above link, or click here. You can check this way. Please only email me to ask if you did yours if you can't get the survey to send that way. Thanks!

Shipping Rates

As I get those rates today, then ping them over to Backerkit to input to your orders, it will take time. Probably a day or two. That means I will be updating again very shortly to let you know first that orders and addresses are locked for good, then once more the next day or two to let you know shipping rates have gone in. I will be looking to actually charge the shipping rates NEXT FRIDAY THE 15th. So you have a week or so of wiggle room from today/tomorrow.

A reminder that you do have to pay your shipping to get your items, and we are very far past the refund window. So bear that in mind.

Also a reminder that the Wooden Boxes will ship separately on our dime, you won't be charged extra for the package being split. I will also be shipping the Hit Point Press's Animated Tarot separately. It's a big impressive box and will make it hard to get things together in a box otherwise, so I'm going to organize with them now to get those Fablemaker's items either sent from them or to me and then out to y'all.

The Normal Tarot Launched!

On Tuesday, the Normal Tarot's third edition launched over on Backerkit! And to be honest, it was a bumpy launch. The first hour, Meta (Facebook, Instagram, etc) was down, so we couldn't run ads, we couldn't post to the Alley facebook fanpage or our Facebook page, our Instagram, etc. Then, just 45 minutes in, as Meta came back online, Backerkit itself went down as Brandon Sanderson's new record breaking project went live for nearly 2 hours.

We still cruised on past our funding goal in 9 hours handily, but we lost a ton of momentum having the site go down. So if you have time, the funds, and interest, please give the Normal Tarot a look! We're putting out not just the brand new third edition by Ezra Kimbell (who designed the amazing packaging for the Alleyway Oracles decks and guidebook covers!!), but we're also reprinting the first three versions of the deck, both the original black and white one, and the 2nd edition decks in Gold and Silver foil!

I also know some of you would prefer to wait until you've received your Alleyway Oracles decks before you'd take a look, and that is plenty fair! We'll see you on the later pre-order page for the Normal Tarot in late April and May. 

Alright friends, talk tomorrow, and a few days after!


your pub gob